List of One Piece pirate crews

Alvida Pirates
The Alvida Pirates is an group of pirates led by a female pirate name "Iron Mace" Alvida who later in the series gains the abilities of a Devil's Fruit. The Alvida Pirates attacked the ship that unintentionally saved Monkey D. Luffy, sleeping inside a barrel, from being drowned by a cyclone. Luffy soon became friends with one of the crew members, Koby. Koby told Luffy about how badly Alvida treated him. As a revenge, Luffy defeated Alvida and fled with Koby to a Marine Base in order to search for Roronoa Zoro.

Known Crew
*Alvida (Captain)
*Koby (Former)

*Miss Love Duck

Arlong Pirates
Arlong Pirates is a group of pirates led by Arlong. Every member of the crew is a Fishman. Eight years in the past, the Arlong Pirates invaded an island and forced the residents to pay a large monthly tax. If anyone was unable to pay his/her monthly tax, he/she would be killed. The tax was 100 thousand beli per adult and 50 thousand per child. Arlong continued to rule over the island for 8 years until he was finally defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates.

Known Crew
*Arlong (Captain)
*Jimbei (Captain, Former)
*Hatchan (Former)
*Nami (Former)

*Shark Superb

Bellamy Pirates
The Bellamy Pirates are attempting to usher in a "New Age" where pirates don't search for dream treasures like the One Piece and instead focus on the treasures around them. Bellamy stole the gold that was found by Monteblanc Cricket. This made Luffy angry and defeated Bellamy in a one-on-one battle. Upon hearing of Bellamy's defeat, Donquixote Doflamingo travels to Mock Town and uses a strange puppeteer-like ability to force Sarquiss to attack his captain in Chapter 302, claiming that he dishonored his flag.

Known Crew
*Bellamy, The Hyena (Captain)
*Donquixote Doflamingo (Captain, Former)

*New Witch's Tongue

Big Helmet Pirates
The Big Helmet Pirates appeared in Water Seven. The captain, Mikazuki, was refusing to pay the Galley-La Company, which led to a fight between the crew and the Galley-La workers.

Known Crew
*Mikazuki (Captain)


Black Cat Pirates
Led by Captain Kuro, they are a crew of pirates who appeared early on in the series carrying out orders under their captain, Kuro, who had taken the alias of Klahadore the butler. Black Cat Pirates were defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, the captain being defeated by Luffy. Kuro has influenced a large part of Usopp's life.

Known Crew
*Kuro (Captain)
*Jango (Captain, Former)
*Nugire Yainu

*Bezan Black

Blackbeard Pirates
The Blackbeard pirates are first referenced when the Straw Hat Pirates land on Drum Island. The king of Drum, Wapol, has fled the country as a result of the Blackbeard crew attacking. Blackbeard was originally a member of Whitebeard's band of pirates until he quit and killed one of his crewmates, heading out on his own and forming his own crew. Blackbeard is one of the seven Shichibukai because he defeated Portgas D. Ace.

Known Crew
*Marshall D. Teach (Captain)
*Jesus Burgess
*Van Auger
*Doc Q


Bliking Pirates
The Bliking Pirates are led by Wapol, the former king of Drum Island. The crew was formed when the Blackbeard Pirates attacked Drum Island. Most of the crew members are officials from Drum Island. The Bliking Pirates were defeated by the Straw Hat pirates.

Known Crew


Bonney Pirates
The Bonney Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from South Blue.

Known Crew
*Jewelry Bonney (Captain)


Buggy's Band of Pirates
Their captain Buggy the Clown is a former crewmate of Red-Haired Shanks, former crewmen of Gol D. Roger and has met Whitebeard. He and his crew are currently in the Grand Line seeking revenge against Luffy as the Straw Hat Pirates defeated Buggy early in the series.

Known Crew
*Buggy, The Clown (Captain)

*Big Top

Don Krieg's Pirate Armada
The Don Krieg's Pirate Armada consisted of a fleet of 50 pirate ships and 5,000 pirates that posed as a fearsome force in the East Blue until Don Krieg attempted to conquer the Grand Line. Their crew was wiped out by Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, leaving one sole remaining ship that managed to escape, carrying Don Krieg and his surviving crew members away from the Grand Line. Don Krieg was defeated by Luffy.

Known Crew
*Don Krieg (Captian)

*Dreadnaught Sabre

Drake Pirates
The Drake Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. Their Masked Captain, Drake, is a fallen marine. They originate from North Blue.

Known Crew
*X Drake (Captain)


Firetank Pirates
The Firetank Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from West Blue and appear mafioso in nature.

Known Crew
*Capone Bege (Captain)


Foxy Pirates
The Foxy Pirates is a group of pirates that has earned almost all of its crew by Davy Back Fight, a game where the victor takes either the flag or a crewmen of the opponent.

Known Crew
*Foxy, The Silver Fox (Captain)

*Sexy Foxy

Hawkins Pirates
The Hawkins Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from North Blue.

Known Crew
*Basil Hawkins (Captain)


Heart Pirates
The Heart Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from North Blue.

Known Crew
*Trafalgar Law (Captain)


Heretic Monk Pirates
The Heretic Monk Pirates first appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from Sky Islands.

Known Crew
*Urouge (Captain)


Kidd Pirates
The Kidd Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. Their Captain, Kidd, possesses a higher bounty then even Luffy. They originate from South Blue.

Known Crew
*Eustass Kidd (Captain)


Macro Pirates
A group of Fishmen pirates from Hatchan's mini arc side story. The Macro Pirates sell Hatchan a fake map and kidnap Camie. Upon discovering the map was a fake, Hatchan destroyed their ship, defeated their crew, and rescued Camie. They later ally with Duval and the Flying Fish Riders.

Known Crew
*Macro (Captain)


Moria Pirates
The crew of Shichibukai member Gecko Moria sail on the massive ship that holds the floating island of Thriller Bark.

Known Crew
*Gecko Moria (Captain)
*Dr. Hogback
*Ryuuma (Deceased)

*Thriller Bark

On-Air Pirates
On-Air Pirates first appeared in Sabaody Archipelago. They originate from the Grand Line.

Known Crew
*Scratchmen Apoo (Captain)


Red Haired Pirates
The Red Haired Pirate Crew is the crew that originally docked in Luffy's hometown and inspired him to become a pirate. Its captain, Red-Haired Shanks gave Luffy the straw hat that gave his crew its name. The crew is part of The Four Emperors in the second half of the grand line.

Known Crew
*Red-Haired Shanks
*Ben Beckman
*Lucky Roux

*Red Force

The Jolly Roger Pirates
The crew of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. It is suspected that he had fleets of pirates.

Known Crew
*Gol D. Roger (Captain, Deceased)
*Dark-King Silvers Rayleigh {First Mate, Former)
*Red-Haired Shanks (Former)
*Buggy, The Clown (Former)
*Crocus (Doctor, Former)

*Oro Jackson

Rolling Pirates
A pirate crew stranded on Thriller Bark whose shadows were stolen for Moria's zombie army. Seizing various released shadows from defeating zombies, they give them to Luffy to help him defeat Moria & Oz.

Known Crew
Lola, The Proposer (Captain)


Roshio Pirates
The pirate crew lead by Roshio the Executioner. The crew itself was not very strong but under Roshio it was formidable. After Bellamy killed Roshio its unknown what happen to the crew. Its presumed they disbanded or chose a new leader. Under Roshio its flag was presumably ared one a hangman on it. Roshio and some of his crew wore headbands with this symbol.

Known Crew
*Roshio, The Executioner (Captain)


Rumbar Pirates
A music-loving pirate crew from the West Blue fifty years before the series started. The whale Laboon joined their journey due to its love of music but was forced to be left behind at the Twin Capes. However, the crew was not ready for the dangers of the Grand Line: they lost half their crew including their original captain to disease and the remaining crew were killed by poison weaponry. Only Brook, with the power of his Yomi-Yomi Fruit, was able to survive after his first death, but was locked in the Florian Triangle for many years prior to encountering Thriller Bark and eventually the Strawhats.

Known Crew
*Brook (Former,Ghost)
*Captain Yorki (Captain, Deceased)


The Saruyama Alliance
An alliance made between the three pirate captains Montblanc Cricket, Masira, and Shojo.

Known Crew
*Montblanc Cricket (Captain)
*Masira (Captain)
*Shojo (Captain)


Straw Hat Pirates
The Straw Hat Pirates, led by Monkey D. Luffy are the protagonists of One Piece. They are called Straw Hat Pirates because of the straw hat which their captain wears. The hat was given to Luffy while he was still young by a close friend, Shanks, who was staying in Luffy's home town. They are currently made up of 9 members whose total combined bounty is 700,000,050 Belli.

Known Crew
*Monkey D. Luffy (Captain)
*Roronoa Zoro
*Nefertari Vivi (Former)
*Tony Tony Chopper
*Nico Robin

*Going Merry (Former)
*Thousand Sunny

Tulip Pirates
A pirate crew from the Jango side story. They attacked a town that Jango was in, resulting in Jango assisting Navy Lieutenant Fullbody in an attempt to stop them. The crew and their captain all had hair shaped like Tulip.

Known Crew


Whitebeard Pirates
The crew of Whitebeard, considered the most powerful pirate fleet currently on the Grand Line. They are divided into many smaller divisions, one of which, the Whitebeard 2nd Division is led by Luffy's older brother Portgas D. Ace.

Known Crew
*Whitebeard - Edward Newgate (Captain)
*Portgas D. Ace
*Thatch (Deceased)
*Blackbeard (Former)

*Moby Dick
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