List of historical sites associated with Ludwig van Beethoven

The following list contains historical sites associated with composer Ludwig van Beethoven. This list is confined to sites that still exist. It must be kept in mind that several of these houses were arbitrarily identified as Beethoven's dwellings in the 1890s.
Beethoven spent 35 years in or near Vienna, and it appears that Beethoven lived in over 60 different locations during his stay in and/or near Vienna (some sources mention at least 80). The following list of still-existent Austrian street addresses was compiled by Jeffrey Dane.
* Auerspergstrasse 3 / Trautsohngasse 2 (corner)
* Döblinger Hauptstrasse 92 (Eroica House) * (Beethoven never lived here, the correct house was situated in the Hofzeile)
* Jeneweingasse 17 *
* Laimgrubengasse 22 *
* Mölkerbastei 8 (Pasqualati House) * (Beethoven lived in the adjacent apartment)
* Schwarzspanierstrasse 15
* Ungargasse 5
* Grinzingerstrasse 64
* Kahlenbergerstrasse 26 (an artificial site, Beethoven's stay is undocumented)
* Pfarrplatz 2
* Probusgasse 6 * (an artificial site, there's no documentation of Beethoven's stay in 1802)
* Achsenaugasse 6
* Hauptstrasse 79 (Hafner House) *
Baden bei Wien
* Antonsgasse 4
* Breitnerstrasse 26 ('s country house)
* Frauengasse 10
* Johannesbadgasse 12
* Kaiser Franz Ring 9
* Rathausgasse 10 *
* Weilburgstrasse 13
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