List of ethical banks

An ethical bank, also known as a social, alternative, civic, or sustainable bank, is a bank concerned with the social and environmental impacts of its investments and loans. The ethical banking movement includes: ethical investment, impact investment, socially responsible investment, corporate social responsibility, and is also related to such movements as the fair trade movement, ethical consumerism, and social enterprise.
*Andelskassen Oikos
*Arbejdernes Landsbank
*Dragsholm Sparekasse
*Merkur Andelskasse
*Ikano Bank
* GLS bank
* EthikBank (German wiki-article)
* Triodos Bank,
* Umweltbank (German wiki-article)
; Netherlands
* ASN Bank
* Triodos Bank,
* Caixa Ontinyent
* Fiare
* Triodos Bank,
* Alternative Bank Schweiz ABS
* Freie Gemeinschaftsbank
;United Kingdom
* The Co-operative Bank
* Ecology Building Society
* Islamic Bank of Britain
* Reliance Bank
* Shared Interest
* Triodos Bank,
* Unity Trust Bank
;Other European countries
* Austria: EthikBank (German wiki-article)
* Belgium: Triodos Bank,
* France: Crédit coopératif, (French wiki-article)
* France: NEF (French wiki-article)
* Hungary: MagNet Bank
* Italy: Banca Etica
* Norway: Cultura Bank
* Sweden: JAK members bank
North America
* ATB Financial, Based in Edmonton, Alberta. Owned by the Province of Alberta
* Beneficial State Bank, Headquartered in Oakland, with branches throughout California in Sacramento, East LA, North Hollywood, Fresno, Bakersfield, Santa Rosa, Porterville, and Visalia, as well as Portland, OR and Seattle, WA. Beneficial State Bank is a community development financial institution (CDFI), certified B Corporation, and a Global Alliance for Banking on Values member.
* City First Bank, Based in Washington, DC, First City Bank is an FDIC insured, nationally chartered commercial bank with a mission to support and strengthen underserved communities in Washington DC and the surrounding suburbs.
* New Resource Bank, based in San Francisco. New Resource is a commercial bank that focuses on businesses that share their mission to progress sustainability within their community.
* RSF Social Finance, based in San Francisco, not a 'bank,' but offers social investment accounts with rates comparable to bank CDs
* Spring Bank, Based in the Bronx, New York, with branches in the Bronx and Manhattan, New York. Spring Bank is an FDIC insured commercial lender and certified community development financial institution (CDFI) with a stated mission to expanding financial inclusion in low-income neighborhoods.
* Urban Partnership Bank, Based in Chicago. Successor to ShoreBank
Other value-based banks in the US and around the world can be found with Global Alliance for Banking on Values.
* Bank Australia, based in Kew, Victoria, is a financial co-operative that attempts to operate responsibly by upholding environmental, social and economic values.
;New Zealand
* Prometheus
Alliances and networks
Global Alliance for Banking on Values
The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is a membership organization founded in March 2009 by BRAC Bank in Bangladesh, GLS Bank in Germany, ShoreBank in the US, and Triodos Bank in the Netherlands. It is currently made up of 27 of the world's leading sustainable banks, from Asia, Africa, Latin America to North America and Europe.
National Community Investment Fund
National Community Investment Fund (NCIF) invests in mission-oriented banks and other financial institutions that provide responsible financial services in underserved communities. The NCIF Network includes over 30 US banks that qualify for inclusion based on their Social Performance Metrics and on their participation with NCIF initiatives to advance mission-oriented banking.
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