List of Dune Houses

The following are the family Houses featured in the fictional created by Frank Herbert. The assembly of all the nobles in the Imperium, called the Landsraad, consists of many additional Houses Great or Minor which are never mentioned in the novels.
House Atreides
House Atreides is one of the Great Houses of the feudal interstellar empire known as the Imperium; its members play a role in every novel in the series, starting with 1965's Dune. In Homer's Iliad, the brothers Agamemnon and Menelaus are dubbed "the Atreides," or "sons of Atreus;" Leto's twin sister Ghanima mentions Agamemnon as a direct ancestor in Children of Dune (1976). However, in Dune: The Butlerian Jihad (2002) it is suggested that she is instead referring to the leader of the group of Titans named Agamemnon.
Boro family
Boro is the surname of Camie Boro, the last descendant of the last Emperor who ruled the original Earth-based Old Empire before its downfall at the hands of the Titans, as established in the Legends of Dune prequel trilogy (2002-2004) by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.
During the Butlerian Jihad, Iblis Ginjo marries Camie as part of his plan to ascend in the League of Nobles. Their great-granddaughter Jessica Boro-Ginjo would later marry Faykan Corrino, the first Padishah Emperor, making future members of House Corrino, House Harkonnen and eventually House Atreides descendants of the ancient Boro family.
House Corrino
House Corrino is the Great House whose members rule the Known Universe as Padishah Emperors for 10,000 years until Shaddam IV is deposed by Paul Atreides in Dune. and Children of Dune (1976) and series Heroes of Dune (2008-2009).
House Ecaz
House Ecaz rules the fourth planet of Alpha Centauri B, also named Ecaz. During the events of Prelude to Dune and the novel Paul of Dune (2008), the head of the House is Archduke Armand Ecaz; at this time, House Ecaz is in kanly, or vendetta, with House Moritani.
House Fenring
Count Fenring and his wife Lady Margot are introduced in Dune
House Ginaz
It is noted in Dune that House Ginaz are "one-time allies of Duke Leto Atreides" and are "defeated in the War of Assassins with Grumman." Duncan Idaho is noted to be a "Swordmaster of the Ginaz,"
Prelude to Dune establishes that immediately prior to the events in Dune, House Moritani are at war with House Ecaz. In the year 10,175 A.G., the Viscount Hundro Moritani allies with House Harkonnen in an attempt to conquer the Atreides homeworld of Caladan; the attempt fails when the Atreides Mentat Thufir Hawat tricks the Moritani/Harkonnen forces into believing that the Atreides have a gigantic water fleet, which are actually harmless fishing boats. House Moritani also attacks the planet Ginaz after some of their students are sent home in disgrace from their renowned Swordmaster School.
House Ordos
House Ordos is featured in the Westwood Studios ; this House is listed in the non-canon Dune Encyclopedia by Willis E. McNelly but has never been mentioned in any of the novels.
House Richese
House Richese rules the planet Richese, described in Dune as the "fourth planet of Eridani A, classed with Ix as supreme in machine culture. Noted for miniaturization."
House Taligari
In the Prelude to Dune series, House Taligari is the adoptive family of Tyros Reffa, illegitimate son of Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino IX and his concubine Shando Balut. The Taligari homeworld is the recreational planet Zanovar, devastated by Elrood's son Shaddam in an attempt to eliminate Tyros.<ref name="Prelude"/>
House Vernius
House Vernius are the ruling family of the planet Ix in the Prelude to Dune series.<ref name="Prelude"/>
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