Ix (Dune)

Ix is a fictional planet featured in the of science fiction novels written by Frank Herbert, and derivative works. In Dune (1965) it is noted that Ix is classed with the planet Richese as "supreme in machine culture," and that Ixian solido projectors "are commonly considered the best." In Dune Messiah (1969) Herbert explains that the planet's name (a spelling pronunciation of the Roman numeral IX) is derived from the fact that it is the ninth planet of its sun. Ixian devices are commonplace and considered essential throughout the rest of the series, though they sometimes test the limits of the anti-technology proscriptions of the Butlerian Jihad, humanity's crusade against computers, thinking machines, and conscious robots.
In Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Legends of Dune prequel trilogy (2002-2004), the name of the planet is originally Rodale IX at the time of the Butlerian Jihad.
The original series
By the time of the events described in the 1965 novel Dune, Ix is the leader in providing technology to the Imperium. Ixian devices are ever-present, but the society itself is unseen until later in the series. The sequel to Dune, Dune Messiah (1969), refers to the "Ixian Confederacy," hinting at society governed by a group of empowered political bodies or worlds rather than by a single ruling House, as is typical in the rest of the universe. Dune Messiah begins with "Excerpts from the Death Cell Interview with Bronso of Ix," a historian imprisoned and condemned to death for his critical analyses of and his histories, as presented by Paul's followers.
The Ixians had managed to keep Hwi's development a secret through the use of their new invention, the no-room (later called a no-chamber), which contains machines that hide the people within from prescience (as Guild Navigators can do).
By the time of the events described in Heretics of Dune (1984), the power of the Ixians seems at its apex with their alliance with the Fish Speakers; however, Bene Gesserit analysts see them as a failing power, because Ixian society had become a bureaucracy and no great inventions had come out of the workshops of Ix for centuries. As the Honored Matres conquer the Old Empire, the Ixians are reduced to a barely tolerated technological combine.
Legends of Dune
As explained in Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Dune: The Machine Crusade (2003), the family of the Titan Xerxes had originally ruled Ix. When Tlaloc had conquered the Old Empire, Xerxes had taken control and changed the name of the planet from Rodale IX to just Ix. After the fall of the Titans at the hands of the thinking machines, Ix had become one of the Synchronized Worlds. In the novel, Ix is finally liberated by the Army of the Jihad in 175 B.G.
Elrood secretly grants the Tleilaxu the right to occupy Ix by force (with the help of his Sardaukar army) and remake it into a laboratory station for Project Amal. This secret project seeks to produce a synthetic version of melange the Tleilaxu Master Ajidica calls ajidamal, or amal. The old Emperor wants to take over the spice monopoly by making sure that he has the only access to spice, thus controlling the Spacing Guild. The Tleilaxu rename Ix "Xuttuh" after their founder. In the year 10,156 A.G., Elrood IX is assassinated by Count Hasimir Fenring. Crown Prince Shaddam, now under the name of Shaddam IV, gives Fenring the title of Imperial Spice Minister and orders him to supervise the project. Although Ajidica manages to create an artificial melange that seems to have the original's properties, it does not work properly. The test-sandtrout explode, and Fenring's test of its use on two Guild Navigators ends in catastrophe. When Duke Leto Atreides invades Xuttuh in 10,175 A.G. and reestablishes Prince Rhombur of House Vernius as the ruler of Ix, all the records of Project Amal are destroyed.<ref name="Prelude"/>
House Vernius's power is checked by that of the Technocrat Council, a quasi-executive body that eventually forces Rhombur's son, Earl Bronso, into the position of a figurehead. This process is alluded to in Winds of Dune, the second in Herbert and Anderson's Heroes of Dune series.
Dune games
In Dune 2000, the Ixians are responsible for providing the technologies for the three Houses to build Missile Tanks and their House-specific vehicles. This is done by building the Ixian Research Facility at the player's base. Once this is done, the player will be able to build either the Atreides Sonic Tank, the Harkonnen Devastator, or the Ordos Deviator. The Ixians are also required for the construction of each House's Palace.
Ix is also one of the major subfactions in Emperor: Battle for Dune (2001).
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