List of Dune ships

The following are fictional spaceships, vehicles, and other vessels created by Frank Herbert for his . Several of the ships, however, were created by David Lynch for his 1984 film Dune.
A line of Dune action figures from toy company LJN was released to lackluster sales in 1984. Styled after Lynch's film, the collection included several vehicles.
Ships from the original novel Dune
A flying wing (commonly "Wing"), the aerial workhorse of Arrakis, used to transport large spice mining, hunting, and refining equipment. In the 1984 movie of Dune, a Carryall handled four spice mining teams, and would fly two spice Harvesters at a time.
Military space vessels composed of many smaller vessels locked together and designed to fall on an enemy position, crushing it.
Dump Boxes
The general term for any cargo container of irregular shape and equipped with ablation surfaces and suspensor-damping system. They are used to dump material from space onto a planet's surface.
Largest spaceship that can be grounded on a planet and taken off in one piece.
Harvester or Harvester Factory
A large (often 120 meters by 40 meters) spice mining machine commonly employed on rich, uncontaminated melange blows (often called a "Crawler" because of a bug-like body on independent tracks).
Major human transport and cargo container of the Spacing Guild's transportation system.
A nine-leveled tent of interlocking metal leaves that reaches out in a thousand-meter circle and could be attached to the base of a Starship Lighter. The Hutment brought to Arrakis by Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV houses five legions of Sardaukar.
A ten-section space warcraft mounting heavy armor and shield protection. It is designed to be separated into its component sections for lift-off after planet-fall.
Commonly referred to as 'thopters. Any aircraft capable of sustained wing-beat flight in the manner of birds and insects. In the 1984 movie, the 'Thopters were seen as jet-propelled ships, while in the , the 'Thopters had moving wings, but were still not as Herbert had described.
General term for machinery designed to operate on the Arrakis surface in hunting and collecting melange.
Spice Factory
:See Sandcrawler
A small ship used on Arrakis to transport the spice; a Lighter in general is simply a small transport ship.
Spotter Control
The lighter Ornithopter in a spice-hunting group charged with control of watch and protection, looking out for wormsign.
Starship Lighter
The royal spaceship Shaddam uses to lead his entourage of Sardaukar onto Arrakis.
Troop Carrier
Any Guild ship designed specifically for transport of troops between planets. A carrier could carry 300 Imperial Sardaukar.
Ships from other novels in the series
A no-chamber designed into a spaceship. It was undetectable by users of prescience such as Spacing Guild Navigators.
Ships from the 1984 film
Guild Navigator's Ship
A large, black, rectangular ship that the Third Stage Guild Navigator uses to travel to Kaitain.
Guild Transport
A large blue-colored and oval-shaped ship. House Atreides uses a fleet of these ships for their journey from Caladan to Arrakis.
Harkonnen Drop-Ship
A long black ship that the Third-Stage Guild Navigator uses to travel to Kaitain.
Emperor's Ship
The golden, pyramid-like version of the Guild Transport that Shaddam uses to travel to Arrakis. The base of the ship is lined with lasguns.
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