List of characters in Urbaniacs

Urbanville, the setting for Urbaniacs, has several signature heroes who are the basis for all Character Creation, and who have their own back stories. Each character has its own Super Power, and weakness that astute players often take advantage of. When buying gear, there are many different character specific items which will only work on the body part of a certain Urbaniac.

Moocho Macho Hombre


Super Power: Evil Eye

Strength: Trance inducing Evil Eye stuns all opponents before the bull sting finishes them off.

Vulnerability: Evil Eye can not penetrate hi-tech polarized sunglasses.

This legendary loner Urbaniac is strong, fast, and rugged. His mystical Evil Eye can mesmerize even the heartiest Urbaniac. Once under his spell its "Buenos Noches Ponchito!" as he brings down the full power of his ramming-speed bull-sting on anyone who crosses him.

He's quick with the jokes and the master of the one liner. He has an amazing ability to come up with the perfect catch phrase at just the right time. "If you mess with the Hombre, you get stung by the bull."

No one knows where Moocho Macho Hombre came from when he arrived, but the legend of the Moocho Macho Hobre is as big as Urbanville itself. Unfortunately--Being an ancient hero--his musty smell makes friends keep their distance.

Afro-liscious Funk Daddy


Super Power: Boogie Finger

Strength: Control and manipulate movement, forcing funk as you see fit.

Vulnerability: Earmuffs and Squared Dancing are the only things that block out this dope puppetry.

This Urbaniac brings with him some wicked beats and fierce rhythm. He was raised on the rough streets of Uptown Urbanville, but has recently been seen in many fashionable Downtown clubs. However, he never forgets his roots and is always willing to help out with the kids from around the way.

He can summon a beat and command you to shimmy, slide, or even break it down one time with your funky self. Afro-liscious Funk Daddy is the original B-Boy, a Kunk-Fu deejay master, and a champion roller-skater all wrapped up into one fly Urbaniac.

Don't cross him or he'll point you out with his all powerful Boogie Finger and assault you with a funk throw-down! One waggle of his dope deejay digit and you might find yourself moon-waling back to Ypsilanti. He's got the power to control your rhythm and soul. And, while he's got you spinning like a top, watch out for his razor sharp fling picks!

Sassy Jungle Kitty


Super Power: Jungle Rave

Strength: Animal morphing jungle power with tiger-style stalking, monkey flips, and cobra strikes!

Vulnerability: Like her tiger cousin, this Jungle Kitty can not swim and is afraid of water.

Raised in the savage jungles just outside Urbanville, this exotic jungle queen is as mysterious and powerful as the jungle itself. With the ability to temporarily morph into several wild creatures, this Urbaniac is a force to reckon with. She can also communicate with animals and has mastered all jungle fighting styles, plus she's got great hair and very good skin.

Her super dexterity and cheetah quick instincts make her impossible to catch. This is one lady whose dander you do not want to stir up.

Sassy Jungle Kitty is always ready to bring the power of the jungle down on her opponents. With her savage tiger-style stalking, money flips, and cobra strikes, there's no ball of yarn big enough to satisfy this Sassy Jungle Kitty :-) .

Tricky Kicky Chick


Super Power: Multiplicity

Strength: With self cloning, super dexterity and mighty power, she can gang up on anyone all by herself.

Vulnerability: Mega-pungent odors offend her super sensitive nose, and copies are never as good as the original.

Her uncanny athletic abilities have amazed Urbanville from the moment she was born. She was the first 7 year old to win gold medals in both the winter and summer Olympics, and the first 9 year old drafted by a professional sports team. Now she takes her spectacular coordination to the next level as she battles and protects Urbanville against all enemies.
Her high-density graphite pads protect her from any attackers, but you can't hit what you can't catch! Especially when you can't figure out who or WHICH Urbaniac to hit. Tricky has the power to multiply herself. She can form her own team and still give you a one-on-one throttling. NOt only can she score a goal with a blazing bicycle kick from midfield, but she can throw a 99 yard touchdown into her own hands, and alley oop herself a high flying 360 degree reverse double tomahawk slama jama! THis Chick got game! She's super fast, super strong, and very tricky.

Blast-Off Rocket Captain


Super Power: Super Duper Might

Strength: Every mighty muscle has uncanny power and mega control.

Vulnerability: Massive allergic reaction to daisies causes Super Duper sneeze fits.

As a young Urbaniac, Blast-Off Rocket Captain was the first eight year old to break the sound barrier on a bicycle. Now, with his Super Duper Might, he is a hero among Urbaniacs.

This space shredding hero has a genetically engineered rocket suit which enhances his mega-muscle control. Super Duper Might makes him strong enough to crack a walnut between his massive pecs. Having mega control of every powerful muscle allows him to perform any amazing feat he wants. He's a Ninja Master, a Master Chef, and is currently training to be a Master Square Dance Caller.

This Urbaniac is also the only to record his own theme song.


I'm the Blast Off-Rocket Captain,

and I always know what's happenin'

I soar through the air

in my underwear,

And the bad guys I will slap them.

Mighty jets from my super tushie

Are the thrust I use to push me

Don't stand behind

Or you might go blind

I pound bad guys till they're squishy

Terrible Erratic Bloke


Super Power: Ice Scream

Strength: Freeze anything in your path then shatter it with Mohawk missiles.

Vulnerability: Sweet love songs melt Arctic blasts and much time is spent getting hair so pointy.

He was the charismatic lead singer of the struggling punk band Nomad, when an unfortunate accident between his electric guitar and a refrigerator transformed him into Terrible Erratic Bloke!

Now his band Nomad plays sell out shows and Terrible Erratic Bloke screams out their hit songs! But beware...those who cross this Urbaniac might find themselves a little stiff. Frozen stiff, that is. From his powerful ICE SCREAM!

When he's not wailing for Nomad, he can screech up an Arctic blast that'll freeze anything in its path. Then he can fire his Mohawk spikes and shatter you...literally. He is truly a Terrible Erratic Bloke! You never know what this wild card might do next!

Mighty Cowboy Guy


Super Power: Trigger Thumb

Strength: Thumbs enable adjustable blasts of powerful neo-energy from every finger.

Vulnerability: Cold weather shorts out blasts.

Raised on the Southwest side of Urbanville, Mighty Cowboy Guy has the strength of a bull, the keen eye of a hawk, and the appetite of a wild boar. There's no animal he can't tame, saddle, and ride.

When things get nasty, Mighty Cowboy Guy won't hesitate to break out his blast-tastic Trigger Thumbs! Pyew!Pyew! is the sound of his plasma blast which shoots bubbles of neo-energy that are strong enough to take down any enemies. With his adjustable blasting thumbs he can fire neo-energy with pinpoint accuracy, plus he can even use it to change the channels on the TV.

But, that's not all, he's also a champion Clogger to boot!

Lunar Moonbeam Princess


Super Power: Space Out

Strength: Freak out your opponents with mind reading and DNA manipulation.

Vulnerability: Loud music cancels out mind reading brain waves.

She's the most out-of-this-world hero in Urbanville. At age 13, she graduated from the prestigious Southern Urbanville Physics Academy(SUPA) with a PHD in Astrophysics.

As the world's youngest rocket scientist she built the first space station to circle Mercury. While doing a space walk with the jet pack she invented, she was struck by some debris from Saturn's moon, empowering her with amazing abilities. Now Lunar Moonbeam Princess can read minds and manipulate DNA.

Sometimes change is good. unfortunately, keeping a steady boyfriend is very hard when you can read minds, and especially when you can swap their DNA with a fluffy baby chicken.

Striking Viking Vixen


Super Power: Rip Tide

Strength: Pounding fists transform mighty waves and can summon and control all the fury of the seas.

Vulnerability: Neo-energy thwarts her ability to control Rip Tide fury.

From across the ocean comes an Urbaniac warrior with steely eyes and a powerful grip. As queen of the seven seas (and several big lakes too), the Striking Viking Vixen strikes fear into souls of all who cross her.

She arrived in Urbanville on a quest for the greatest battle. She has emasculated pirates, beat down bounty hunters, and crushed crooked politicians in every corner of the globe (not that our globe has any corners). So beware, this Urbaniacs has a reputation for devastation. And it's not just physical. With her flowing locks and tormenting eyes, many of her victims have proclaimed true love right before she gives them one final flogging.

Conjuring up the power of the ocean, her Rip Tide can make even the sturdiest Urbaniac seasick. And with her charming smile and silky voice, this Striking Vixen is as the waves she commands. She loves to draw her victims in right before she wallops them.

Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic


Super Power: Uber-Stank

Strength: Torrid blasts of nastified stink break down buildings and obliterate opponents.

Vulnerability: Keen intellect and tortured past make this Urbaniac highly vulnerable to telepathy.

Part circus freak, part vigilante, this Urbaniac has a photographic memory and a hankering for creamy peanut butter. Rumors about his origin vary wildly. Some believe he was the first and only successful genetic experiment performed by GoatFist, while others tell tales of his escape from a dark underworld circus. Still others believe he is just your ordinary average mutated freak. ALl may be true, but either way, this is one Urbaniac not to be taken lightly.

Powerful blasts of his Uber-Stank can shred metal and cripple any opponents. Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic also has massive "stampede strength" which is more than enough to rattle a few cages. His ele-hide is rough, tough, and remarkably easy to clean. Beware, Elephantic Gigantic Vigilantic has an unpredictable temper and has been known to run wild, stampeding everything in his path -- especially when he's out of peanut butter.

Super Speedy Dude


Super Power: Warp Drive

Strength: Time ripping speed and power packed turbo muscles.

Vulnerability: An uncanny fear of eggs, especially poached eggs.

He was your everyday, average, ordinary messenger on his way to deliver a very special package to a super secret Urbanville scientist when a freak storm struck. The package--which contained high-density, nuclear-infused, experimental shaving cream-- was struck by lightning and exploded, changing him forever.

Now his muscles and brain are wicked fast! He can see, think, and react in between the lines of time, plus he has a very pleasant natural aroma the ladies love! Unfortunately, nuke-infused shaving cream left him completely hairless. Very embarrassing in Urbanville locker room. But what's a little lack of hair when you body is packed with bad-guy-pounding-street-shredding-hyper-muscle. He's even faster than the speed of smell!

Freaky Sneaky Tiki


Super Power: Tribal Storm

Strength: Controls the elements, plus burst of invisibility.

Vulnerability: Terrible cat allergy makes for inopportune hurricane sneezes.

Ancient legend has it that Freaky Sneaky Tiki gets his powers from mystical volcanic ash. Hailing from a mysterious island off of the Urbanville coast, this Urbaniac can vanish right before your very eyes!

His freaky sneaky powers of invisibility will only get better as he increases his mojo, but the real power of this tribal Urbaniac is his ability to weather a storm.

With his ancient battle cry, UMBAGAWA! he can conjure up a lightning bolt, freeze his enemy with an Arctic blast, or impress that special someone with a well placed rainbow!

Lead Characters

Mayor_DaMan, or Ira B. DaMan, is the head hero and mayor of Urbanville. He spends his life making Urbanville more 'funky,' and by defending the fair Urbaniacs from the evil GoatFist.

Although little is known about his history, his unprecedented leadership of Urbanville has brought him the loyalty of hundreds of Heroes in all of Urbanville.

Afro_Chic(Affy) is the Mistress of Funk. She helps keep everything chill and watches out for GoatFist to pull his nasty tricks.

Known only as GoatFist, the Evil Genius of Urbanville. This Villain, with the assistance of the evil organization, The Family, plots the downfall of Mayor DaMan.
He is known for doing strange genetic experiments, which almost always involve flangos or henchlings.

One can only wonder why GoatFist so evil.

Henchling Kelvin
The newest creation from GoatFist. Kelvin is best known for exaggerating the truth behind his exploits. He is best characterized by his obscessive use of "K"'s for Hard C's and resembling a blueberry.
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