List of Bangladeshi IT companies

Information Technology (IT) worldwide which is essential to develop a nation.
Nowadays the Tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung and many more Companies are making massive investments in Asian countries to reduce their cost. Bangladesh, The South Asian country which has huge under-utilised manpower that cheaper than other Asian countries can benefit these initiatives and provided a foreign investment platform.
Many IT companies have been established over several years to build a ’ and the initiatives are coming here. The IT sector of Bangladesh is expanded rapidly and the IT companies are promised to fulfill the need of foreign clients as well as the local clients. The Government of Bangladesh is now investing massive amount of money to develop the IT sector.
The Information and Communications Technology Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector of the country has maintained 57.21 percent export growth on an average over the last nine years since 2009. In the fiscal year (FY) 2016-17, Bangladesh ICT sector registered export earnings worth US$0.8 billion from the global market and US$1.54 billion from the domestic market span - thereby making around one percent contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP). The ICT sector has created around three hundred thousand job opportunities so far.
As the Internet usage increases, the government expects the IT sector to add 7.28 percent to GDP growth by 2021.
1- TigerIT Bangladesh Ltd
2- Datasoft Systems BD Ltd
3- Magnito Digital Ltd
4- Newscred
5- Southtech Group
6- Leadsoft Bangladesh Ltd
7- Brain Station 23 Ltd
8- Kaz Software
9- Reve Systems
10- Large IT Solution.
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