List of adverse effects of sertraline

Adverse effects of sertraline by incidence.
==Very common (>10%)==
* Fatigue
* Insomnia
* Nausea
* Dry mouth
* Diarrhea
* Headache
* Ejaculation disorder
* Dizziness
* Sweating or Excessive Sweating
==Common (1-10%)==
* Agitation
* Anorexia
* Constipation
* Dyspepsia (indigestion)
* Decreased libido
* Sweating
* Tremor
* Vomiting
* Impaired concentration
* Nervousness
* Paroniria (i.e., depraved or morbid dreaming/nightmares)
* Yawning
* Palpitations
* Increased sweating
* Hot flushes
* Weight decrease
* Weight increase
* Myoclonus
* Hypertonia
* Bruxism (teeth grinding)
* Hypoaesthesia
* Menstrual irregularities
* Sexual dysfunction
* Rash
* Vision abnormal
* Asthenia
* Chest pain
* Paraesthesia
* Tinnitus (hearing ringing in the ears)
* Birth defects (if taken during pregnancy), this includes:
** Heart defects,
** Cleft lip,
** Cleft palate,
** Clubbed feet,
** Omphalocele hydrocephalus and any other birth defects.
==Uncommon (0.1-1%)==
* Hypertension (high blood pressure)
* Hyperkinesia
* Bronchospasm
* Oesophagitis (swollen oesophagus)
* Dysphagia
* Haemorrhoids
* Purpura
* Cold Sweat
* Dry skin
* Nocturia
* Urinary Retention
* Polyuria (excessive urination)
* Vaginal Haemorrhage
* Malaise
* Chills
* Pyrexia (fever)
* Thirst
* Pollakiuria
* Micturition disorder
* Salivary Hypersecretion
* Tongue Disorder
* Osteoarthritis
* Muscular Weakness
* Back Pain
* Muscle Twitching
* Eructation (belching)
* Dyspnoea (air hunger)
* Epistaxis (nose bleed)
* Edema peripheral
* Periorbital Edema
* Syncope
* Postural dizziness
* Tachycardia (high heart rate)
* Urticaria (hives)
* Migraine
* Abnormal bleeding (esp. in the GI tract)
* Muscle cramps
* Arthralgia
* Depressive symptoms
* Euphoria
* Hallucination
* Alopecia (hair loss)
* Urinary Retention (being unable to pass urine)
* Pruritus
* Amnesia memory loss.
* Urinary incontinence
* Eye pain
* Asymptomatic elevations in serum transaminases
* Abnormal semen
* Melaena (black faeces due to a bleed in the stomach)
* Coffee ground vomiting
* Haematochezia
* Stomatitis (swollen mouth)
* Tongue ulceration
* Tooth Disorder
* Glossitis (soreness/swelling of the tongue)
* Mouth Ulceration
* Laryngospasm
* Hyperventilation (breathing more often than required to keep one's blood sufficiently oxygenated)
* Hypoventilation (breathing less often than required to keep one's blood sufficiently oxygenated)
* Stridor
* Dysphonia (voice disorder)
* Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
* Rhinitis (irritation/inflammation inside the nose)
* Hiccups
* Apathy
* Thinking Abnormal
==Rare (<0.1%)==
* Allergic reaction
* Allergy
* Anaphylactoid reaction
* Face oedema
* Priapism
* facial hyperpigmentation
* Atrial arrhythmia
* AV block
* Coma
* Peripheral Ischaemia
* Injury
* Vasodilation Procedure
* Lymphadenopathy
* Involuntary muscle contractions
* Galactorrhoea (lactation that is unrelated to pregnancy or breastfeeding)
* Gynaecomastia (swelling of breast tissue in men)
* Hyperprolactinaemia (high blood prolactin levels)
* Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)
* Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
* Pancreatitis (swollen pancreas)
* Altered platelet function
* Haematuria (blood in the urine)
* Leukopenia (low white blood cell count)
* Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count)
* Increased coagulation times
* Abnormal clinical laboratory results
* Hyponatraemia (low blood sodium)
* Conversion Disorder
* Drug Dependence
* Paranoia
* Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
* Bradycardia
* Cardiac Disorder
* Suicidal Ideation/behaviour
* Sleep Walking
* Premature Ejaculation
* Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
* Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
* Hypercholesterolaemia (high blood cholesterol)
* Vasculitis
* Aggressive reaction
* Psychosis (hallucinations and delusions)
* Mania (a dangerously elated mood)
* Menorrhagia (an abnormally excessive amount of menstrual bleeding)
* Atrophic Vulvovaginitis
* Balanoposthitis
* Genital Discharge
* Angioedema
* Photosensitivity skin reaction
* Enuresis
* Visual field defect
* Abnormal liver function
* Dermatitis
* Dermatitis Bullous
* Rash Follicular
* Glaucoma
* Lacrimal Disorder
* Scotoma
* Diplopia
* Photophobia
* Hyphaema
* Mydriasis
* Hair Texture Abnormal
* Neoplasm
* Diverticulitis
* Choreoathetosis
* Dyskinesia
* Hyperaesthesia
* Sensory Disturbance
* Gastroenteritis
* Otitis Media
* Skin Odour Abnormal
Unknown frequency
* QTc prolongation
* Allergic Reaction
* Allergy
* Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. A potentially fatal reaction that most often occurs as a result of the use of antipsychotic drugs. It is characterised by fever, muscle rigidity, rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown), profuse sweating, tachycardia, tachypnoea (rapid breathing), agitation.
* Stevens-Johnson syndrome a potentially fatal skin reaction.
* Toxic epidermal necrolysis another potentially fatal skin reaction.
* Torsades de pointes a potentially fatal change in the heart's rhythm.
* Cerebrovascular spasm
* Serotonin syndrome similar to neuroleptic malignant syndrome but develops more rapidly (over a period of hours instead of days/weeks for neuroleptic malignant syndrome)
* Bone fracture
* Movement disorders
* Diabetes mellitus
* Dyspnoea
* Jaundice yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes and eyes due to an impaired ability of the liver to clear the haem breakdown by product, bilirubin.
* Hepatitis
* Liver failure
* Persistent Sexual Dysfunction
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