Liberty and Power

Liberty and Power is a group blog established in 2003 and is part of the History News Network of the George Mason University's Center for History and New Media. The members share a libertarian or classical liberal perspective. They are primarily university professors and represent diverse fields. Past guest bloggers have included Nicholas Von Hoffman, a former 60 Minutes commentator. Most, but not all, of the members are critical of the Iraq War.
Liberty and Power played an important role in shaping coverage of several news stories. For example, journalists Debra Pickett of the Chicago Sun-Times, Ellen Barry of the Los Angeles Times, and Jerry Mitchell of the Clarion-Ledger quoted David T. Beito because of his entries on the Emmett Till lynching case. Beito had conducted the first interviews in decades with Henry Lee Loggins, an alleged participant in the crime, and Willie Reed, a trial witness.
Entries opposing the Academic Bill of Rights sparked a running debate on Liberty and Power with David Horowitz, the chief sponsor of the bill. They were also instrumental in two articles on the subject for the American Historical Association and the Organization of American Historians.
Notable contributors to Liberty and Power include:
*Radley Balko, senior editor at Reason magazine.
*Jonathan Bean, professor of history at Southern Illinois University.
*David T. Beito, associate professor of history at the University of Alabama.
*Peter Boettke, professor of economics at George Mason University.
*Donald J. Boudreaux, professor of economics at George Mason University.
*Stephen D. Cox, editor of magazine, and professor of Literature at the University of California at San Diego.
*Gene Healy, policy analyst at the Cato Institute.
*Robert Higgs, senior fellow at the Independent Institute.
*Steven Horwitz, professor of economics at St. Lawrence University.
*Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. former Air Force colonel and Iraq war critic.
*Roderick Long, associate professor of philosophy at Auburn University.
*Wendy McElroy, columnist at Fox News.
*James Otteson, professor of philosophy at the University of Alabama.
*Sheldon Richman, editor of The Freeman.
*Chris Matthew Sciabarra, visiting scholar in politics at New York University.
*Sudha Shenoy, honorary associate in economic history at the School of Policy at the University of Newcastle, Australia.
*Amy H. Sturgis, Ph.D., assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies at Belmont University.
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