Liberate domains

Liberate Domains is a free and open source application used to safely search for domain names. The software application was created in 2008 by the Cincinnati based editspot, LLC in an effort to cut down on the practice of cybersquatting. The recent significant increase in both cybersquatting and domain name front running have sparked a recent outcry for a solution to this growing problem. Though this application is a temporary work-around for this issue, ultimately regulation by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) will be required. ICANN is currently considering taking action.

Liberate Domains is compatible with Windows XP, Mac OSX, and the Apple Dashboard at this time. The application's website indicates that the developers are working to provide versions compatible with the Linux operating system, Windows Vista, as well as Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch.

The application provides the results of a whois query much as if a user entered whois .org into a unix terminal with the addition of a graphical user interface (GUI). By entering this command, the user avoids having their searches logged by domain name registrars. The source code for this application will be available on Wednesday, June 25 for users to verify and compile should they wish.

The product was unveiled in Cincinnati's historic Over-the-Rhine district on Monday, June 23, 2008.
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