Legio XXIV Caesarian Rapax Victrix

The Roman 24th Legion
The XXIV Othoian Rapax was a Roman legion, from 49 BC to the Muslim invasions of the 7th century, created by Julius Caesar in 49 BC for his civil war against Pompey.
Creation:The XXIV Othoian Rapax was created in 49 BC by Julius Caesar for his civil war against Pompey. He also created the 17th through 31st legions in total, all from Italians. He soon sent the 24th to Illyria along with half of the 28th as an army to stop the marauders and Pompeys forces there. Commanded by Mark Antony's brother, Gaius Antony. Along the way to Illyria, Gaius Octavius, Pompey's regional fleet commander. Led by Caesar's so called faithful centurion, Titus Pullio, they turned to Octavius.
Under Pompey: Octavius took the newly Pompeian 24th and the half of the 28th to Pompey's Greece. Pompey added the 28th to the 24th, so the 24th had 15 cohorts. He then sent them to Corfu, an island in Northwestern Greece. They relaxed there until Pompey lost at Pharsalus. All of Greece was under Caesar. So he sent the 'overweight' legion to Syria, to get some action and bloodshed for Caesar under their belts. And so it was.
Syria, for Caesar's!. The 24th then started to help the unknown legions only known as the Syrian Legions. Caesar decided not to use them when his vets. rioted, due to a loyalty problem... So fighting Parthia, Media, Commange, Syrian and Roman and Egyptian rebels, and Jews would have to do, for the next 100 years. They did run into one problem in 47 B.C. Cleopatra. Starting to grow fond of Caesar, and being fairly anti-Egyptian Italians, Cleopatra was a pain. They wanted Ptolemy on the throne, because at least HE could sign a paycheck for them. But Caesar's will was final. So, they fought Ptolemy in Syria, but none of them would play any further part. Only the 6th would help Caesar. So the 24th still fought local enemies. But three years after the Cleopatra incursion, Caesar was dead. Murdered by senators, some even his friends! No one could believe, invincible Caesar, dead! So, they continued to serve Rome, and then they started to follow Mark Antony, who controlled the East after the 'Liberators' ( Caesar's murderers) defeat at Phillipi, Antony took the east in the 'second triumvirate'. Consisting of him, Octavian, Julius Caesar's nephew and adopted son, and the fastly aging Marcus Lepidus. Antony angered the 24th by once again, falling for Cleopatra. He canceled his first Parthian campiagn to stay at leisure with her in her palace in Alexandria. The Syrian legions were very well rested and of course wanted the 'honor' of fighting the Parthian scum. So the legion was able to relax.
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