Legacy Clubs for Mothers and Daughters

Legacy Clubs for Mothers and Daughters (Legacy Clubs) is a conservative organization for mothers and daughters. It was created for mothers who know that they are the best mentors for their daughters and want to pass on their legacy of conservative values. Legacy Clubs was founded in 2006 in Draper, Utah, by Connie Fielding and her daughter, Alesha.

The foundational program of Legacy Clubs is The Twelve Points of Focus which includes the following areas of focus: Gratitude to God, Honor Your Heritage, Value Yourself, Celebrate Womanhood, Nurture Your Family, Serve Others, Nourish Your Body, Develop Your Talents, Plan Your Future, Prepare For Life, Create Beauty and Heal in Nature.

The program is design to assist girls that are wanting to leave Girl Scouts by allowing them to maintain and integrate the same merit badge program into their Legacy Clubs' meetings and activities.
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