
LearnVest is an interactive personal finance education website geared toward women, ages 18-40. The name of the website comes from the combination of Learn, Earn, and Invest. LearnVest's website includes LearnVest Checklists, proprietary financial tools and comparative analytics, provides access to financial services, and has a collaborative online community. LearnVest was selected as a TechCrunch 50 2009 Company and debuted in September of 2009 at the TechCrunch50 conference in San Francisco.
LearnVest was founded in 2008 by current CEO, Alexa von Tobel. Von Tobel entered Harvard Business School in the fall of 2008, but took a leave of absence to launch LearnVest. LearnVest's headquarters are in New York.
LearnVest's investors include Richmond Management, Circle Financial Group and David S. Rose's Rose Tech Ventures. The board of advisors includes individuals from Intuit, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Random House.
The LearnVest Diagnostic asks users basic questions, such as if they are in college or if they are married. Based on the Diagnostic, a LearnVest Action Plan is generated that includes personal finance articles and tools. The website also includes over 50 LearnVest Checklists, which cover a variety of financial life events, and LearnVest Basics, in-depth content on ten financial topics.
LearnVest produces the LearnVest Daily, a free, daily newsletter with financial tips, like DailyCandy for personal finance.
Astia 2008-09 Company
TechCrunch50 2009 Company
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