Leading Change Network

The Leading Change Network (LCN) is a U.S-based NGO that develops leadership and supports organizers around the world through a community of practice, ongoing learning and coaching. Rooted in community organizing, social movement, and civic traditions, the Leading Change Network grew out of the work of Marshall Ganz, his collaborators, their students, and others.
Marshall Ganz
A year before he was due to graduate, Marshall left Harvard University to volunteer in the Mississippi Summer Project in 1964 aiming to support African American organizers fighting for the right to vote across the U.S. South.
This was when he embraced organizing as a collective trained leadership mobilizing communities to act together in solidarity by providing people under adversity with the necessary resources and tools that empower them to author change. While working on his doctorate, he was asked to develop a course on organizing; this is when he was finally presented with the opportunity to merge his life experience with social science, producing a pedagogical approach to organizing.
At the same time, Marshall’s students and collaborators went on to adapt the organizing pedagogy in communities around the world like Ahel in Jordan.
The same year, Marshall launched an online course at Harvard called Leadership, Organizing, and Action: Leading Change to share this approach with emerging leaders around the world, an approach that organizers report has changed their views on social change.
The Story of the Leading Change Network
The first seed of the Leading Change Network started in 2009. Then, the idea grew in 2012 from conversations with leaders across the world who identified a need for a global community of practice to enable organizers, educators and researchers to exchange knowledge and engage others. Marshal then founded the Leading Change Network. became foundation for organizing texts
LCN has diverse organizational members and partners. They also run professional trainings and coaching programs in community organizing practices.<ref name":0" /><ref name":1" /><ref name":2" /><ref name":3" />
* (With International Justice Mission)
* LCN Community of Practice
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