Lawnmower Man Effect

The Lawnmower Man Effect or LME is a term used to conceptualise a new generation of consumers who seek a permanent connection, such as the Internet. The term was penned by author, Dean Anthony Gratton in his 2012 book, The Handbook of Personal Area Networking Technologies and Protocols, Cambridge University Press. Gratton's concept was originated from the 1992 film starring Jeff Fahey and Pierce Brosnan in Stephen King's The Lawnmower Man. In the film, we witness Brosnan’s character conducting several experiments on Fahey using virtual reality to increase his overall intelligence.
Despite Fahey’s character’s malevolent motivation, he eventually becomes physically embodied within the Internet and has an ability to traverse IP-based systems across the globe. LME likewise typifies our modern day ability to similarly traverse IP-based systems across the globe irrespective of our location.
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