
Laughism is a new age religion, it was founded in late 2008 by Dr. Richard kyle Murray & Professor Craig Patterson.Within the past year the population of Laughism has increased rapidly. The main beliefs of Laughism is to spread laughs and happiness. Ways of worship include telling jokes, loling and of course bringing laughs. Popular Tv sitcoms which Laughism is inspired by includes 'Friends'.
Places of worship can be anywhere from joke shops to comedy clubs.
People who believe in Laughism are called 'Laughers'. Laughers don't believe in any 'God' as such but a higher being who originally brought the laughs and spreaded it to us humans to make life fun.
Laughisms thoughts on the afterlife or 'afterlaughs' as they call it, believe in places called 'studs' and 'duds'. People who practise Laughism daily and bring the ultimate laughs go to a place call 'studs' because they are studs. There they can enjoy havin laughs to the fullest. People who do not obide to Laughism are known as sterns or duds and will perish in the 'duds' land in the 'afterlaughs'.
Dr. Richard kyle Murray - "Our hope for Laughism is to help people experience and understand the constant need for ultimate laughs"
Professor Craig Patterson-"I love laughs."
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