Laugh Real Loud

Laugh Real Loud (LRL)

Laugh Real Loud is a shorterned term for the popular internet phrase 'Laughing Really Loud.' It has gained poluarity through the last few months and is continuously becoming more popular as time goes on. The idea for LRL (as it is known as on the internet) was originally conceived by Zena Williamson, a popular internet identity in Australia.

An Emoticon of LRL by the popular Emoticon author; Matt McFadyen

History Of The Term

The first recorded example of LRL dates back to early 2008 when Zena Williams misspelt the term LAL (see evolution of the term), by accidentaly inputting an R instead of an A (on a keyboard the letter R is near the letter A). People thought that this was intentional and asked her what the letters stood for and she replied with 'Laughing Really Loud'. Her fans took up the term but it did not catch on until an unidentified person referred the term to two people he knew. They immediately disassociated from the term LOLand began with the term LRL. Thus beginning one of the largest internet crazes since the invention of the internet.

Evolution of the term

LRL has evolved into other terms such as 'LRRL' (Laughing Really Really Loud) and a new alternative; 'LML' (Laughing Moderately Loud). Although it has gained a lot of popularity, it is still not as heavily used on Instant Messenging programs such as MSN or Yahoo Mesenger as Matt McFadyen's popular alternative; LAL or 'Laughing A Lot'

Interest In LRL

Several parties have expressed interest in incorporating the term LRL into their internet chats and pages as an alternative to the popular but now increasinly outdated LOL.The Y Generation is becoming extremely frustrated with the X Generation trying to assimilate themselves into youth culture with the term LOL and have taken extremely well to this new alternative. It is known as the LOL of the 21 Century and has been incorporated into several MMORPG's, most notably Runescape.
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