Lars Albinsson (born 13 July 1963) is a Swedish consultant, business executive and researcher on Co-Design. His work is in practice and theory on change and innovation, especially service innovation using new technologies. A key focus is the organization of innovation which brings diverse stakeholders into a collaborative process. Biography Albinsson studied Mathematics, Computer Science and Business Administration at the Stockholm University from 1982 to 1987. He eventually received B.Sc. in Computer Science, Mathematics and Business Administrationa at the Örebro University in 2002. Since 2004 he is a PhD Candidate at the Linköping University. While still a student at the Stockholm University Albinsson founded the consulting firm "Unusual Systems and KTH" in 1987 specializing in "business development through innovating information systems" using Co-Design to orchestrate innovation. In this job Sweden he advised firms like Volvo, IKEA, Microsoft and the National Board of Health in Sweden. Albinsson also became chairman of BAAMM (Business and Academic Match Making) an international venue for companies and students, and boardmember of the consulting firm Exait. He is regularly teaching and training Co-Design in management, architecture/planning and IS/IT development. Work Albinsson work is concentrated on developing practical use of Co-Design principles for innovation, especially in situations where new technology is driving force. In Co-Design there are many and conflicting Stakeholders, Goals, Perspective and Interests in design. The aim is to let these Stakeholders constructively contribute to the design. Publications Albinsson has published three books and several articles. A selection: ;Books * 2000. MIT-boken, MIT-2000 slutrapport. With O. Forsgren. Stockholm: Nutek. * 2000. Managing Electronic Services - A public sector perspective. With Å. Grönlund (eds.). London: Springer. * 2006. . With O. Forsgren & M. Lind. School of Business and Informatics, University College of Borås. ;Selected Articles * 2004. Who’s at the wheel of a user driven projects when the users can’t drive? ICSTM-04, Philadelphia, USA (with Forsgren O.) * 2004. Philosophy of Design or Design of Philosophy, prese CEPHAD 2004, Bornholm, Danmark. * 2005. Co-Design Metaphors and Scenarios - Two Elements in a Design Language for Co-Design. LAP 2005, Kiruna, Sweden. (with Forsgren O.) * 2005. Using Dramatised Scenarios to Co-Design eGovernment Services. eChallenges 2005 in Ljubljana, Slovenia * 2006. Turning the internet around - e-Me: The Students ideal e-Service, eChallenges 2006 Barcelona, Spain (with Lind M., Forsgren O., Ozan H.) * 2006. Using Cartoons to Engage Stakeholders in Innovation and Design of IT Artefacts. 2006 Design Research Society International Conference Lisboa, Portugal * 2007. . (Best Paper Award) Published in proceedings of eChallenges 2007, The Hague, The Netherlands.(with Lind M., Forsgren O.)