Landegg International University

Landegg International University (LIU) was an independent, legally registered, private university in Landegg, Switzerland from September 1992 to December 2003, offering Bachelor and Master programs in Conflict Resolution, International and Community Development, Global Governance, International Leadership and Management (MBA), and Psychology.
Legal status
Landegg International University was legally registered with the cantonal Ministry of Education of Canton Appenzell-Ausserrhoden (Registration No.CH-300.6.013.105-2), and the Federal Registry, (in accordance with Articles 44, par.2 and Article 21), following five requirements of the Federal Department of Justice: (p79)

* The University must be an institution of higher education (tertiary), with clearly defined admissions requirements (i.e. high school diploma or its equivalent);
* The University must offer a multi-disciplinary program and have at least two departments;
* The University must be self-administered and managed;
* The University must be recognized by the government or at least collaborate with governmentally-recognized universities or polytechnical colleges;
* Apart from teaching activities, the University also must be engaged in research, as a basis for teaching.

Vision and Mission
During the period of its existence (1992 to 2003), the following vision and mission statements guided the development of Landegg International University:
A Universal Vision: The primary objective of the curriculum of Landegg International University is to assist students to make fundamental contributions to the creation of such a civilization. All programs at Landegg International University are formulated according to the parameters of the nobility of human nature, the unity of humankind, and the harmony of scientific and spiritual principles. Landegg International University is continually evaluating its curriculum in light of new research and experience in order to anticipate the needs and challenges of humanity in the emerging global world order, and to prepare its students to meet those needs and challenges with insight, dedication, and expertise.
The following outlines the management structure of the university under the direction and guidance of Landegg's Governing Board: The theory of conflict-free conflict resolution indicates that the best way to overcome conflict is by seeking higher and higher levels of unity.
Collaborative Relationships: Landegg established collaborative, contractual and bilateral academic relationships with other academic institutions, including the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, USA, and with major corporations, including Sun Microsystems, and Macromedia. Landegg also has academic relationships with Beijing University in China, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in Israel, and the State University of Sergipe in Brazil.<ref nameLIU1/> (p79)<ref nameLIU2/>
Acceptance of former Landegg students by other universities: Distinguished universities, including Harvard University, and Stanford University, in the USA; Leicester University, the London School of Economics, and Warwick University, in the UK; Dalhousie and s, in Canada, and Jagiellonian University, in Poland, have accepted Landegg graduates and transferred their academic credits.<ref name=LIU1/> (p79)
In 2001 some reflections by several Landegg students were recorded in an article about Landegg International University in One Country: The Online Newsletter of the Baha’i International Community.<ref name=LIU2 />
Bahá’í historical note
In May 1997 Hand of the Cause of God Amatu’l-Bahá Rúḥíyyih <u>Kh</u>ánum made her last trip outside the Holy Land when she came to visit Landegg in order to establish the Rabbani Chair for Bahá’í History. The events of this visit were recorded in the film Making History.
In the fall of 2003 the governing board of the University took the very difficult decision that because of the worsening financial condition of the University it would have to close the University at the end of 2003. The last formal convocation was held in December 2003. Every effort was made to transfer all undergraduate students who had not completed their degrees to other universities most with the credits they had already earned at Landegg. Graduate students who had completed all course lectures were assisted to complete written assignments and theses with the help of their professors via the Internet through the Registrar's office. Those with enough credits were awarded either their master‘s degree or their Graduate Certificate. The Governing Board arranged to have the complete academic records of the University preserved and that the registrar functions for transcript inquiries overseen into the future.
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