Lakota Currency

The Lakota Currency is the currency of the self-declared Republic of Lakotah, an internationally unrecognized secession state of the United States of America. The proposed currency of the Lakota people is a Gold standard. It is to be fully liquid, only administrating precious and semi-precious metals such as Copper, Silver and Gold.
As of April 2013, one ounce silver coins have been issued at an exchange rate of 1 Lakota Coin: $33.52 USD. The issued coins cannot be used at any retail locations. However, the coins can be traded at the international exchange rate of silver.
It is issued by the Free Lakota Bank and produced by the Lakota Mint, based in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. It is claimed that the sales of these coins are to invest in the economy of the Lakotah Republic. The Free Lakota Bank is not registered or regulated by any American banking institution and has no physical building.
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