Lake Creasy and Pasquotank Lake

Lake Creasy and Lake Pasquotank
Located in Elizabeth City North Carolina are two small man made lakes that are called Lake Creasy and Lake Pasquotank by the kids that chill there. The lakes are visable from Ulster Drive located in a neighborhood off Church Street Extended. Lake Creasy is the biggest of the two and is named after the Daniel Creasy and his family of Elizabeth City because all of the kids that play there love the name Creasy. Lake Pasquotank is the smaller lake and is named after Pasquotank County where it is located. The lakes are only seven feet apart and are seperated by a old crumbling road and a small amount of land. There is also a small lake that has no name about two hundread feet from Lake Pasquotank. There are only two ways for the kids that chill at these lakes to get there, one is walking through a swamp for over thirty minutes and the other is walking on the road for about fourty five minutes.
History of the Lakes
It was later discovered by the kids that chill at the lakes that back in the 1950's when the lakes were brand new and the area was known as the Sand Pits, Donald L. Creasy(Daniel Creasys father) played back there as a kid. Donald said that it was a very popular hang out for the local kids of Elizabeth City and that when he was a kid him and his friends would spend all day swimming in the lakes and exploring the surrounding swamp.
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