Labour Party Rule Book

The Labour Party Rule Book is the governing document for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. It dates back to the foundation of the Labour Party, and is a fundamental statement of objectives of one of the most successful democratic socialist parties in the world.
The Labour Party Constitution forms the first chapter of the Rule Book and contains the most important principles and provisions for Labour Party governance. The chapter is divided into ten sections named Clause I to Clause X. Clause IV is the best known Aims and values clause, which was significantly changed in 1995 after Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party.
The rules may be amended by Labour Party conference. The appendices may be amended by the party's National Executive Committee confirmed by the following Labour Party conference.
The Labour Party is an unincorporated association without a separate legal personality, and the rule book legally regulates the organisation and the relationship with members.
Rule book contents
Labour Party Constitution
Chapter 1: Constitutional rules
*Clause I: Name and objects
*Clause II: Party structure and affiliated organisations
*Clause III: The party’s financial scheme
*Clause IV: Aims and values
*Clause V: Party programme
*Clause VI: Labour Party Conference
*Clause VII: Party officers and statutory officers
*Clause VIII: The National Executive Committee
*Clause IX: The National Constitutional Committee
*Clause X: Scope of rules
National rules
Chapter 2 Membership rules
*Clause I. Conditions of membership
*Clause II. Charter of Members Rights
*Clause III. Membership procedures
*Clause IV. Membership subscriptions
Chapter 3 Party Conference
*Clause I. Delegations
*Clause II. Conference Arrangements Committee
*Clause III. Procedural rules for Party Conference
*Clause IV. National Annual Women’s Conference
Chapter 4 Elections of national officers of the Party and national committees
*Clause I. General principles
*Clause II. Procedural rules for elections for national officers of the Party
*Clause III. Procedural rules for elections for national committees
Chapter 5 Selections, rights and responsibilities of candidates for elected public office
*Clause I. General rules for selections for public office
*Clause II. Rights and responsibilities of elected members
*Clause III. Selection of local government candidates
*Clause IV. Selection of Westminster parliamentary candidates
*Clause V. Selection of European parliamentary candidates
*Clause VI. Selection of Candidates for devolved institutions
Chapter 6 Disciplinary rules
*Clause I. National action by the Party
*Clause II. Action by CLPs
Rules for party units
Chapter 7 Rules for CLPs
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Aims and values
*Clause III. Affiliated organisations
*Clause IV. Affiliation fees
*Clause V. Individual membership
*Clause VI. Method of organisation
*Clause VII. Management
*Clause VIII. Officers
*Clause IX. The General Meeting
*Clause X. The Party Conference
*Clause XI. Duties of the General Meeting
*Clause XII. Disciplinary
*Clause XIII. Parliamentary candidates
*Clause XIV. Local government candidates
*Clause XV. Amendment to rules
Chapter 8 Rules for Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Local government candidates
*Clause VII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 9 (A) General Rules for Regional Structures
Chapter 9 (B) Rules for Regional Executive Committees and Regional Conferences
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Aims and values
*Clause III. Affiliated Organisations
*Clause IV. Affiliation Fees
*Clause V. Membership of the Regional Executive Committee
*Clause VI. Regional Conference
Chapter 10 Rules for Women’s Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Activities
*Clause VII. Relationship with constituency parties
*Clause VIII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 11 Rules for Young Labour
*Clause I. Establishment
*Clause II. Aims and values
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Structure
*Clause V. Amendment to rules
Chapter 11 (A) Young Labour Local Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Aims and values
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Establishing a Branch
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Officers
*Clause VII. Finance
*Clause VIII. Relationship with constituency parties
*Clause IX. General relations
*Clause X. Dissolution
Chapter 11 (B) Regional/Welsh/Scottish Young Labour Groups
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Aims and values
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Amendment to rules
Chapter 11 (C) Young Labour National Committee
*Clause I. Aims and values
*Clause II. Membership
*Clause III. Chair
*Clause IV. National Policy Forum Representatives
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Finance
*Clause VII. Conference
Chapter 12 Rules for Labour Party Local Government Committees
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. General Principles
*Clause IV. Membership
*Clause V. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause VI. Meetings
*Clause VII. Finance
*Clause VIII. General
*Clause IX. Candidates
*Clause X. Relations with the Labour group
*Clause XI. Miscellaneous
Chapter 13 Rules for Local Government Labour Groups on principal authorities
*Clause I. General rules and provisions for Labour groups on local authorities
*Clause II. Aims and Values
*Clause III. Membership of the group
*Clause IV. Group meetings
*Clause V. Group officers
*Clause VI. Group executive
*Clause VII. Casual vacancies
*Clause VIII. Determination of group policy and action
*Clause IX. Selection of nominations for civic offices, council leadership and other council appointments
*Clause X. Arrangements with other parties
*Clause XI. Action by individual members
*Clause XII. Groups on committees
*Clause XIII. Breach of rule
*Clause XIV. Reporting to and consulting with the Party
*Clause XV. Group standing orders
*Clause XVI. Compliance with PPERA
*Clause XVII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 14 Rules for BAME Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Activities
*Clause VII. Relationship with constituency parties
*Clause VIII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 15 Rules for LGBT Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Activities
*Clause VII. Relationship with constituency parties
*Clause VIII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 16 Rules for Disabled Members’ Branches
*Clause I. Name
*Clause II. Objects
*Clause III. Membership
*Clause IV. Officers and Executive Committee
*Clause V. Meetings
*Clause VI. Activities
*Clause VII. Relationship with constituency parties
*Clause VIII. Miscellaneous
Chapter 17 Model procedural rules
*Clause I. Model Standing Orders for Party Units
The appendices of the rule book contain the National Executive Committee statements, procedures and codes:
Appendix 1 NEC statement on the importance of our members
Appendix 2 NEC procedural guidelines on membership recruitment and retention
*Clause I. Guidelines on membership recruitment and retention
Appendix 3 NEC procedures for the selection of Parliamentary Candidates following the boundary review commenced 2016
*Clause I. Introduction & Background
*Clause II. Trigger ballots of sitting MPs
*Clause III. Timetable for parliamentary selections among sitting MPs
*Clause IV. Freeze dates
Appendix 4 NEC Procedures for the selection of local government Candidates
Appendix 5 NEC Advice Note - Interviewing sitting councillors or recent candidates
Appendix 6 Procedural guidelines in disciplinary cases brought before the NCC
Appendix 7 Procedural guidelines for the general organisation of Constituency Labour Parties
*Clause I. General
*Clause II. Delegate Organisation
*Clause III. Basis of representation
*Clause IV. Conditions for appointment of delegates to this CLP
*Clause V. Non Delegate Organisation
*Clause VI. Other Methods of Organisation
Appendix 8 NEC statement - A minimum guarantee of support to CLPs
*Clause I. Introduction
*Clause II. The minimum guarantee will:
*Clause III. The detail of the proposal
*Clause IV. The aim of each fund is as follows:
Appendix 9 NEC Codes of Conduct
# Code of Conduct: Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination.
# Code of Conduct: Antisemitism and other forms of racism
# Code of Conduct: Social Media Policy
# Code of Conduct: Member’s Pledge
Appendix 10 Standing Orders for Party Conference
*Clause I. Standing Orders for Party Conference
Appendix 11 Rule changes approved at annual conference 2019
Previous Rules
*[ Labour Party Rule Book 2011 (including Refounding Labour amendments)]
*[ Constitutional rules (2002 version)]
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