Kyle Flex

Kyle Flex is a fictional, super hero who appears in comic books published by From Cali Comics. The character first appeared in The Infamous Kyle Flex #1 (2012) Kindle Edition. Created and written by K.J. From Cali. and art work by Kennon Olison Jr.
Kyle Fle is on the mission of his life when his little sister Chloe Flex is kidnapped. Kyle Flex is forced to go on dangerous missions such as: killing police officers, kidnapping children, stealing cars. and blowing up important buildings.
Police and military puts a 15 million dollars price on Kyle Flex's head, for anyone who can capture, kill or stop Kyle Flex.
Kyle Flex is mad at the US. government, because Kyle's father's Jyite Flex volunteered to be the first tested for Menagen. Jyite Flex later goes on a rampage and a killing spree.
Jyite was captured and put in jail for life. Kyle Flex is upset with the police force and wont trust any of them for locking his Father away.
Ppowes and abilities
Kyle Flex was born with congenital insensitivity to pain. With that power you can kill Kyle Flex but he wont feel pain if shot or stabbed.<ref name="amazon1"/>
Weapons and equipment
* Kyle Flex has a bracelet on his arm that has a GPS, and a force field.
* Auto Reload Pistols that was given to him from Dr. Lost.
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