Krishna consciousness philosophy

Basic concepts are panca-tattva: Sri Krishna-Caitanya is Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He is accompanied by Nityananda-Balarama, and Advaita Acarya (who is said to be the best of vaishnavas, Shiva??), Gadadhara and Srivasa. So Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is accepted not just as saint, but as Krishna, Supreme Personality of Godhead, who came as His devotee.
;Parampara/disciplic succession
Somebody argues that Krishna is just an expansion of Vishnu, but we know that this means only that Krishna comes through Ksirodakashayi-Vishnu jsut like many other avataras... That Ksirodakashayi-Vishnu is object/Supersubject of meditation for yogis, and they usually live in far areas not sharing their experiences, so they are considered inferior to bhakti. Also other proud impersoanlist think even worse - that Krishna (Vishnu-tattva) is same as Shiva (see:Harihara) and/or Brahma (see Trimurti). These are offensive ideas, so even hinduism/hindu mythology portal cannot overcome this...
There are 4 well known disciplic successions: from Lakshmi, from Shiva, from Brahma and from four Kumaras. They all understand Supreme position of Narayana, Vishnu., However, even more confidential knowledge is of fifth sampradaya, disciplic succession from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna Himself. It is said to take all the best of other four sampradays, two main principles of each, thus 8 principles made up Achintya Bheda Abheda. See: Vedanta
Krishna told Bhagavad-Gita to sun demogid, Vivasvan, and he delivered to Vaivasvata-Manu. o Bhagavad-Gita is here on Earth for millions of years. Around 5000 years ago Krishna retold it to Arjuna, so disciplic succession renewed. See: Sraddhadeva Manu, Arjuna, Bhagavad Gita
;Krishna consciousness and other religions
Important to mention about shaktyavesha avataras. It is commonly accepted that Buddha is avatara of Vishnu, though while people accept many so-called avataras like Sai Baba and others, they pay a little attention to other founders of religions: Jesus and Mohammad and others. They are included in list of shaktyavesha-avataras, who spread God consciosness, though according to time and place.
;Stages of realization of Absolute Truth
*Brahman, realized by specualative philosophers, jnanis. See also: jnana
*, meditated upon by yogis. See: yoga, meditation, dhyana, samadhi
*. For bhaktas, devotees, He is object of devotional service.
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