Kreston International Limited

Kreston International Limited is a global network of independent professional accounting and advisory firms, having over 200 member firms in 110 countries with more than 23,000 dedicated professionals. Kreston International is ranked by the International Accounting Bulletin as the 13th largest accounting networks, in the world.
Kreston International status as a network is in accordance with the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and is a member of Forum of Firms.
Kreston International was founded by Bansbach Schubel and Partners in May 1971, at the UEC Study Conference in London, United Kingdom.
Liza Robbins joined Kreston International as CEO in 2018.
Kreston International unifies a network of member firms practicing auditing, taxation, restructuring and insolvency, accounting, corporate finance, and advisory services, independently in public and corporate sectors.
Global Structure
Kreston International is a global network of accounting firms, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity, and as such has no liability for the acts or omissions of any other member firm. Kreston International Limited provides no services to clients and has no liability for the acts or omissions of any member firm.
Kreston operates a globally directed quality review programme covering member firms.
For the purposes of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) Code of Ethics, only member firms are considered to be part of the Kreston International Network.
Kreston International has 11 Board of Directors, with Rich Howard (CBIZ & MHM) as Chair, Eustis Corrigan (CBIZ& MHM), Martin Hommerson (VanHerwijnen Kreston), Andrew Griggs (Kreston Reeves), Edmond Chan (Kreston CAC) Elena Ramírez Marín (Kreston Iberaudit), Francisco Bracamonte (Kreston BSG S.C.), Adrain Reynolds (Duncan &Toplis), Dagmar Brösztl-Reinsch (Kreston Bansbach GmbH), Sunil Goyal (Kreston SGCO), and Franck Parker (EXCO).
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