Kostka Bojana

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Kostka Bojana ( born 1979) is an Serbian Nail Artist, designer, known for the new technique's in Nail Art called "Extreme Nail Forms".
Bojana is the owner of the nail products brand "Kostka Nail System"
Early life
Bojana was born in a small town in the south of Serbia, Krusevac, on July 24, 1979. She is the first child of Kostka Veroljub and Kostka Radmila. Her grandfather, Prvoslav Kostka, founded a furniture brand in 1932. which still exists today.
In 1999, during the bombing of Yugoslavia and the state of war, Kostka Bojana opened one of the first nail salons in Serbia, at the time called Charisma. The circumstances in which Serbia and its people found themselves at that time were not favourable for life, and even less for cosmetic services. Soon after the bombing, sanctions followed. After the embargo, the Serbian economy collapsed. The borders were closed, both for passengers and for any type of import. This situation directly affected the beginning of Kostka's career, because it was not possible to buy basic material for her work. After the embargo, there were electricity restrictions that lasted from 8 to 12 hours, every day . Without materials for work, without electricity, while the citizens of Serbia hid in the basements of their houses and shelters, Kostka was forced to improvise in her work, in order to keep her clients.
Recognisable for her innovations, improvisations and creativity, she became world famous in the Nail Industry. In the period from 2000 to 2006, she trained numerous people to work in the salon. She reached the peak of her career in 2006., when she designed and patented special nail shapes that today are known as Extreme Forms. The first reactions of the public were very stormy, but, unfortunately, negative. She was often publicly called an extremist and a member of a sect, sometimes even a witch. On the other hand, even if the motives of her designs at the time were strange, her technical abilities and creativity were at an enviable level, which attracted an avant-garde audience. Due to its specific shape, unusual design and length, which sometimes exceeded 30 centimetre, Bojana's nail forms became recognisable all over the world and received the official name "Extreme Nail Forms". In the period from 2007 to 2019, Bojana designed the following Extreme Nail Forms: Dragon, Swan, Stiletto Edge,Triangle, Razor, Edgeit , Lilith, Elatus, Abaddon, Kraken, Nergal, Behamoth, Kiara, Invicta, Astaroth. Kostka's work became the subject of interest in nail magazines, and has been published on the covers of many nail magazines.. Kostka Bojana received triple A certificate and is one of the 19. Nail Designers in the world who own this certificate, issued by the World Nail Association. Many international competitions are organised around the world, where designers rank their skills, in the modelling of Extreme Nail Shapes. Bojana herself was also the organiser of several international competitions on the topic of Extreme Nail Forms. In 2017, she founded her own nail products brand "Kostka Nail System", known for materials for building Extreme Nail Forms, which are produced according to her own formulations. Shortly afterward, in 2018, she expanded the range of her brand with handmade accessories, nail gels and salon furniture.
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