Korean Honduran

Korean-Honduran (Spanish: Coreano Hondureño), is a Honduran of Korean descent. An estimated 10,000 Koreans live in Honduras, mainly concentrated in the cities of Tegucigalpa, the nation's capitol and San Pedro Sula, its largest city.

During the In the 1980s and 1990s, Korean immigrants have poured into Honduras. They have came as contract laborers. Many settled around Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. They opened their own businesses, and had intermarried with Spanish families. Many started to get used to the Spanish language, so most spoke the language of the country more then Korean. Most also became used to the Roman Catholic faith, which also made most of the Koreans Catholic. Many Korean Hondurans have relatives in nearby Guatemala and Mexico, as well in the United States.

Most Korean Hondurans speak Spanish. Some speak their own language, Korean. But very few, with a higher education, speak English.

Most Korean Hondurans are Roman Catholic, while some are Buddhists.

Prominent Korean Hondurans
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