These are the classes that appear in Knights in the Nightmare Male Warrior - class that attacks in a horizontal line in front of him in Law mode, and in a W in Chaos. Uses axes for Skill Attacks CANNOT MOVE Archer - class that attacks a single target in front of him (Law) or in a AoE (Chaos). Uses bows for Skill Attacks. CANNOT MOVE Wizard - one of the two magic using classes. Either sets a Gram Trap in Law, or uses an AoE (Area of Effect) spell (Chaos). Uses rods for Skill Attacks. CANNOT MOVE Female Duelist - female knights who use rapiers. Either long range stab attack (Law), or a jump attack (Chaos). Uses rapiers for Skill Attacks. Chaos jump ALLOWS ONE SPACE MOVEMENT Hermit - females trained in assassination. Either V attack (Law) or a short double line attack (Chaos). Uses daggers for Skill Attacks. CANNOT MOVE Priestess - the other magic using unit. Either a T long range magic attack (Law), or a Gram Trap (Chaos). Uses maces for Skill Attacks. CANNOT MOVE Both Genders Lance Knight - only unit mounted on a horse. Either attacks as a long range stab (Law) or charges (Chaos). Uses lances for Skill Attacks. Using the Chaos attack ALLOWS TWO SPACE MOVEMENT Special Valkyrie - class exclusively assigned to Maria. Can use all weapons for Skill Attacks. Either long range cut (Law) or the Duelist's jump (Chaos). MOVES ONE SPACE WITH JUMP Anyone is free to edit this information.