
KMess is a MSN Messenger/Windows Live Messenger alternative. It allows its users to chat with friends over the .NET Messenger Service, as it is used by Windows Live Messenger or Microsoft Messenger for Mac. The strength of KMess is its integration within the KDE Plasma Workpaces, its focus on Live Messenger specific features and an easy-to-use interface.
Like many KDE applications, KMess is free software and licensed under the GPL.
Current features
The current stable version, 2.0, contains several features like:
* Integration with KDE Plasma Workspaces
* Group chats
* Tabbed chatting (many conversations in a single window)
* Chat logging and chat log viewer
For interoperability with other messenger clients, the following features are supported:
* Display pictures
* Fast file transfers with file previews (direct connections)
* Full MSN and custom emoticon support
* Customizable font and text colors
* text coloring and formatting
* Personal Messages
* "What I'm listening to" support for several Audio Players
* Offline and invisible messaging
* support, with unread mail count, new email notifications, and direct link to the user's inbox
* Nudges and winks
* Support for handwritten messages
Planned Features for KMess 2.1
The 2.1 release will be focused on multimedia. Planned features include:
* Overall theming
* Webcam chats
* Audio conversations
* Voice Clips
* Plugin system
* Additional file transfer settings
For a more complete list of planned features, and to watch the development progress, visit the KMess Trac project page
Old versions
The latest released version designed for K Desktop Environment 3 integration is 1.5.2.
It support the basic features up to MSN Messenger 7.5, including custom emoticons, winks and fast file transfers.
The 1.x series is discontinued; no more releases for KDE 3 will be made because KDE Plasma Desktop has become the most used version of the KDE Desktop.
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