Kirkcaldy and District Pipe Band

Currently based in Veronica Halls, the Kirkcaldy and District Pipe Band are in Grade 4B and take part in major competitions around the UK. It was awarded the Champions of Champions in Grade 4B for 2006 and promoted from Grade 4A to 3B in 2007. After a restructuring of the band due to players leaving with various work and family commitments the band have now returned to Grade 4B for the 2013 pipe band season.
The band was started in 1982 in a youth Centre in Templehall, Kirkcaldy called the Argos Centre by the late James (also known by others as Jim) Forbes. Over time James Forbes managed to built up a number of learners and the start of a Bass section. At one of the fund raising dances interest in creating a side drum section was raised by hired band. The Bain Brothers were a two piece band made up of Roy Bain on drums and his brother Brian Bain who quite often played at the dances for the band. Roy offered to start up a side section for the band.
After a period of time James Forbes died and the learner pipers started to struggle. Various pipers tried to take over the piping section without much success. It was not until discussion with John Cushnie in 1987 that the band started to progress.
After discussions it was agreed that the Drummers and learner pipers joined up with the more experienced pipers from the K.U.S.I. (Kirkcaldy United Service Institute, near the Adam Smith theatre) to form two bands; K.U.S.I. novice Juvenile Band and Kirkcaldy and District Pipe Band.
Now named the Kirkcaldy and District Pipe band, the band currently practise at Veronica Halls, Kirkcaldy. There is a strong ethic within the band to encourage the learning of piping and drumming to the wider community.
Roll of Honour
Pipe Major:
James "Jimmy" Forbes (1982-1985)
Scott Honeyman (1986)
John "Jock" Cushnie (1987-1992)
Jimmy Wishart (1993)
Dougie Young (1994-2007)
Lindsay Aird (2008-2012)
George F. Wallace (2013-present)
Leading Drummer:
Roy Bain (1982-94)
Robert F. Wallace (1994-1999)
Graeme McDougall (2000-2005)
Robert F. Wallace (2006-2008)
Graeme McDougall (2009-2010)
James Wallace (2011-present)
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