Kirk Mowl

Kirk Mowl born on February 6, 2003, Kirk lives in Ormond Beach, Florida and his home center is Ormond Lanes. Mowl bowls for Seabreeze High School and finished with a 210 average in the 2017 season. In 2016 he won junior varsity Teen Masters and went on to compete on TV in February. He bowled in a show titled "PBA Superclash".
Kirk keeps an average above on a regular basis in all of his leagues. He competes all around the state every weekend and has traveled over one million miles all around the country. Kirk competes in FBJT's, FJGS, South West Florida Classic, SCYS, and all other tournaments around Florida. He now runs his own tournaments called the Florida Youth Bowlers Open, the event is for charity called Children's Home Society.
In 2015 he won his division in the Florida Pepsi tournament. The biggest event in youth bowling, The Junior Gold Championships, he competes in every year and qualified in the ten all 4 day with a division of more than 500 bowlers from all over the world.
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