
KidsCall is the first large scale youth campaign of the World Future Council. It called the young generation to address the leading politicians at the G8-summit in Tokyo, Japan with letters, pictures, songs, emails, and video messages for swift action on climate protection.
The campaign KidsCall was launched at the LiveEarth concert in July 2007 in Hamburg. The goal was to deliver the collected messages one year later at the G8-summit in Tokyo, Japan requesting the political leaders consistent climate and environmental protection as well as to remind them on their responsibility for future generations. While the one year timespan the World Future Council collected more than 14,000 messages from 47 different countries.
Early July, the German state secretary Dr. Bernd Pfaffenbach, personal delegate of the German chancellor for the G8 process, welcomed a KidsCall youth delegation in Berlin at the Federal Ministry of Economics. After a lively discussion the kids handed-over a 1x10 meter banner with approximately 200 appeals to the German Government.
This meeting was followed by further banner deliveries to the Japanese ambassador Toshiyuki Takano in Berlin and to the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during a personal meeting with KidsCall participants in New Delhi, India. The remaining 10 governments of the G8+5 states received their personal banners with messages via courier.
Corridor of Hope
The Corrdidor of Hope is an invocation flags exhibition which presents a selection of more than fourteen thousand appeals of the youngsters from 47 countries addressed to the heads of government of the G8+5 states. It is a tool to make the appeals visible as an easy way to deliver them to different events. The first Corridor of Hope exhibition was successfully conducted at the Hamburg Planetarium in September 2008. Since that, the flags were shown at different events such as the EU office launch of the World Future Council in the EU parliament, a parliamentary hearing after the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and on different school events in Germany.
The Youth Campaign is led by expert commission members of the World Future Council.
World Future Council
The World Future Council is a global forum of 50 respected personalities who give voice to the shared ethical values of citizens worldwide. The Council works closely with policy-makers, civil societies and business to identify and implement best policies to protect the rights of future generations.
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