Kickoff Goal

The Kickoff Goal is the strategy, idea, or concept of scoring a goal in FIFA 07 during a kickoff possession. Though moving the ball around a bit and scoring on the kickoff possession is technically a Kickoff Goal, its excitement comes from running the striker towards the goal, weaving through the opponents defense for a clear opportunity in the penalty area. Coined by Massachusetts native Michael Montigny, the use of this strategy is sweeping the area and has been seen used in as far away as Florida.

With the debut of FIFA 08 in early October 2007, the same rules apply for a Kickoff Goal in FIFA 08 as they did in FIFA 07. However, the game engine is now designed to make goal scoring much harder and Kickoff Goals are more rare, making the Kickoff Goal much, much more sweeter.

Defining a Kickoff Possession

In order to score a Kickoff Goal, it is obviously necessary to be in the Kickoff Possession. The kickoff possession can come about in many ways.

The Pass-Back

Passing the ball backwards is a very common way to achieve an easier way of scoring a Kickoff Goal in FIFA 07. Immediately after the kickoff is complete, the player with the ball is the closest player to the goal. There is no one to start anything with, and no opportunity to score. By crossing the ball backwards to the last wall of defenders, the computer has plenty of time to redirect the players to their offense formation and allow the player to pass the ball through the defense and into the penalty area in hopes of completing the opportunity.

The Free Kick

An uncommon method used to score a Kickoff Goal is by forcing a Direct free kick. The player controlling the ball has to rely on a missed slide tackle for the opportunity to even arise. Once this happens, you must then successfully hit the free kick. If the free kick is missed in a way where the possession is given to the other team, the kickoff possession is over.

The Corner Kick
Simply put, if a Corner kick is given during a teams Kickoff Possession, the Kickoff Possession is still valid. If a goal is scored off this corner kick it is indeed a Kickoff Goal. However, if the ball is most commonly crossed into the penalty area where players then fight for possession using their head, the Kickoff Possession may not end if touched by the opponent. If the opposing team heads the ball away from the goal, but it lands in possession of your own player, it is still a Kickoff Possession.

The Zig-Zag Method

The Zig-Zag Method is the most exciting and defining part of scoring a Kickoff Goal. Immediately after the kickoff is complete, the player with the ball, or the striker, is the closest player to the goal. Carefully using sprints and manually changing directions to throw off incoming defenders, the player uses the striker to set up an opportunity at the beginning of the penalty area, or even a few yards into it. This method is so effective because at the start of a kickoff, in a normal 4 defender formation, the defenders do not charge automatically at an incoming player. Instead, the player has to take control away from the computer (which is sometimes difficult to do with FIFA 07's difficult game engine regarding the switching of players), and charge at the opponent as if it were one on one. The Zig-Zag Method is really the way to get full pleasure and use out of the Kickoff Goal, for it leaves your opponent and other gamers in the audience in complete shock and awe.

The End of a Kickoff Possession

The end of a kickoff possession can come in many ways, and is usually disputed amongst FIFA 07 gamers. However, there are a few times that tell exactly when the possession has ended.

Passing it to the Goalkeeper

As previously stated, passing the ball backwards to allow the other players to set up the formation is a way to score on a kickoff possession. However, if you pass the goal too far backwards to your goalkeeper, your kickoff possession has ended. This marks the end of your possession because you have now given yourself the opportunity to boot the ball very far as if it were a goal kick, where possession is virtually up in the air.

Tackles/Change of Possession

It is OK to be tackled during your kickoff possession, as long as the ball does not get in complete possession of your opponent. For instance, if you are successfully challenged in which the ball is kicked back to your next closest player, this is still your possession. Even if the opponent steals the ball, and it is immediately stolen back, this is still your possession. Really, it is still your kickoff possession until the ball crosses the half-court line, or is in the hands of the opponents goalkeeper.

The Reverse Kickoff Goal

The Reverse Kickoff Goal is very similar to the normal Kickoff Goal. The Reverse Kickoff Goal is achieved when the opposing team successfully disrupts a Kickoff Possession in a manner that will allow possession for the opposing team. The team now in control of the ball is in a Reverse Kickoff Possession. The same rules apply to a Reverse Kickoff Goal, regarding the completion of the goal, and the ending of the possession. However, if possession of the ball is obtained by a Goal kick, or by the goalkeeper successfully saving a shot, there is no Reverse Kickoff Possession. This is because in these instances, players are reset to their formations, making the original Kickoff Possession over. The reverse kickoff goal is, in all honesty, quite lame. Anyone that executes one loses 12 minutes of their life, as well as all of their Funions and bean dip.
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