Khing jus wurk

Frank David Monroe better known by his stage name Khing Jus Wurk born July 11th 1984 is an American, rapper, entrepreneur, actor, model, lifestyle branding, entertainer who is from Redhook, Brooklyn , NY. His is currently an independent artist who established his own label Jus Wurk Entertainment.
Early And Personal Life
Khing Jus Wurk was born Frank David Monroe on July 11, 1984 in Redhook, Brooklyn. He was taken from his mother and place in foster care at the age of 5 years of age and spent a few years at group home called Hawthorne Cedar Knolls. Wurk had a troubled and strange childhood, after getting a scholarship to Kents Hill School in Maine and then being expelled after just a few months for bad behavior. Khing Jus Wurk was arrested for the first time at 15 years of age and did 26 months going back and fourth to New York Family Court and spending time in Hunts Points Bronx Spofford Juvenile Center as well as Daytop Village .
After being released from juvenile detention Khing Jus Wurk spent years going in and out of jail until he figured things out.
Khing Jus Wurk has just recently graduated from Full Sail University with a Bachelors degree in Entertainment Business.
2009-2012: Early Career , Setbacks, and DreamzWurk Entertainment
Formerly known as Yung Wurk CEO of DreamzWurk Entertainment he released one album with the label before parting ways Level Up. Having little to much of no success on the project Khing Jus Wurk found himself in and out of jail once again it was at this time he received his GED, soon after he got accepted to Full Sail University and begun the path to becoming Khing Jus Wurk.
2013-Now: Graduation, Fitness, Entertainment
Since going to Full Sail University and focusing on his artistry and building and establishing his own entertainment brand Jus Wurk Entertainment he has released one EP entitled Wurk Related EP from which he released his chart topping single I Am (Wurk). Doing so gave him the opportunity to open up for Cory Gunz in Miami. His message is one of positivity and of change, and he chooses to show that through positive actions that anything is possible if your willing to put in the work. And shows that by doing things such as training in MMA and Interval Training he recently did a podcast EPN Entrepreneur Podcast Network on discussing his goals for Jus Wurk Entertainment and what being Khing Jus Wurk means.
His style has been called a mix of DMX, Jim Jones, and LL Cool J but his themes are almost unheard-of in the rap industry. Rather than relaying stories of guns, drugs, and women, Khing hopes to inspire listeners to focus on being the best version of themselves that they possibly can and enjoy life.

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