Khannea Suntzu

Khannea Suntzu is the legal name of a transsexual, transhumanist, 'Nymian'. She started out in 2005 as a Resident in Second Life but has quickly moved beyond that in the transhumanist community. She is an artist, translator, researcher, personal assistant, blogger, social critic, author, coolhunter, (game-) designer, (virtual reality) consultant, expert on meta-cognition, and speaker. Khannea changed her legal name in 2013 as to reflect that of her Second Life avatar.
Khannea was covered in articles in Le Monde, CGW and the website about technological progress, transhumanism, Second Life, Sex and virtual prostitution. In the virtual environment of Second Life, Khannea Suntzu makes a militant distinction between the synthetic identity "Khannea" and what she labels "her primary", in effect quoting Extropia DaSilva, Botgirl Questi and Argent Bury. In doing so Khannea claims to be struggling to emancipate fictional persona and claims doing so will have far reaching implications in granting any future artificial intelligences citizen rights. Khannea emphasizes that we are witnessing the emergence of a slow motion/stealth identity/sexual revolution in virtual environments such as Second Life, where people can express being what is inside them and not what is the inherited wrapping - liberated from arbitrary age (aging) or youth, respectively sexual orientation, gender or biological constraints.
Khannea was involved with the now dormant Second Life chapter SL Transhumanists and the Order of Cosmic Engineers group. She writes for several futurist web sites. Khannea is very friendly with the IEET and the Washington DC-based VenusPlusX foundation.
Khannea is also an active Life Extension advocate. She has highlighted the parallels between the effort to defeat aging and other missions, noting that ageism, like all other departures from egalitarianism, must be resisted by technologists developing future opportunities for the disadvantaged (in this case the elderly, who are disproportionately unhealthy), and that this striving to increase equality of opportunity is a defining feature of what it means to be a civilized society.
Khannea has been both an outspoken Linden Lab critic as well as a Second Life evangelist.
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