Key Result Area

Key Result Area

Key Result Areas (or "KRAs") are defined as "The main areas of performance and responsibility on which you must concentrate your efforts and your resources in order to achieve your unique job-related and personal Vision of Success." The concept was created by Dr. Peter Drucker in his many books on business processes and it was popularized by Michael S. Ludlow in his prolific writings on Management Science in general and in his book "The Natural Laws of Successful Enterprise Management" in particular.

The idea behind Key Result Areas is to organize a business enterprise so as to insure the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the business. It does this by focusing a worker's attention on approximately 3 core performance areas and measuring a worker's success in accomplishing those objectives.

To help describe the concept of KRAs, it is sometimes easier to use a personal level rather than a business example.

An individual's life could be said to revolve around six common KRAs. These include the following: 1) Physical Health and Fitness; 2) Intellectual Development and Enhancement; 3) Spiritual; 4) Social and Humanitarian; 5) Family and Friends; and 6) Personal Financial Management.
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