Kepler 1606

Kepler 1606 is a G-class star with one known planet. The planet has 2.07x the radius of earth.
The star is 0.82x the radius of the sun and has a temperature of 5536 K. It has a metallicity of 0.12, according to Torres et al. 2017. It could be as young as 4.27x10^9 years old or as old as 9.4x10^9 years old, according to Morton et al. 2016 and Torres et al. 2017, respectively.
Kepler-1606b is a super earth 2.07x the radius of the earth. It orbits its star every 196 days, 10 hours, 26 minutes, and 24 seconds, compared to earth's 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds. The planet is closer to its star than earth and could have a slower rotation period. The planet is potentially habitable.
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