Keep Watch

Keep Watch is a micronation founded by David Brydon. It is situated between the south pole, and the undefined Norwegian claim border.
Keep Watch was established through a loop hole in the Antarctic Treaty, and claiming this land as a single entity, and not as a nation or party. Furthermore, the term micronation is not defined in the Antarctic treaty.
Although Keep Watch is claimed to be a sovereign territory by its government, this micronation has not yet received acknowledgement from other larger countries.
The formation of Keep Watch is said to be greatly inspired by the micronation of Westarctica.
The original idea for an Antarctic micronation began in 2006, originally under the name of 'Antarctic Brydon Republic'. Beginning January 2009, the interest in the Antarctic micronation was re-kindled, and letters were sent to the governments of Argentina, UK, USA, Chile, Australia, Norway, Russia, New Zealand and France; informing them of the land claim. These letters informed them of David Brydon's land claim as a single entity, and respect for the Antarctic treaty. No governments have yet responded.
Since then, Keep Watch has began to fortify it's presence in the Antarctic by establishing a private government headquarters in Canada, and formulating a deed to the land. Keep Watch is currently strengthening it's presence in the micronational community, and is receiving recognition from a number of them.
The land claim and deed to the Antarctic territory was signed by David Brydon on the 3rd of February, 2009.
Like all micronations, Keep Watch is not recognised by the government of any larger country, despite its attempts to be. Its sovereignty comes from the declarative theory of statehood. Keep Watch has been recognized by other micronations.
To complete the declarative theory of statehood criteria for a sovereign state, Keep Watch has claimed a small piece of land in Ontario Canada to act as the government headquarters. This also provided the micronation with a permanent population.
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