
A Kayda (also spelled as Kaida) is a type of Tabla composition. There are different types of tabla compositions, both fixed (pre-composed) and improvised. A rhythmic seed (theme) is introduced, which is then used as a basis for elaboration through improvisation and/or composition. The word kayda is an Arabic word meaning 'rule' or 'a system of rules'. The rules for playing a kayda are complex, but in short, one must only use the bols that are in the original theme. This mukh is the identity of any Kayda just as our face gives our identity. The kaida form originated in the Delhi Gharana of tabla playing and serves three fundamental and very important roles for tabla players. The Dayan and Bayan of the Tabla are used in synchronization to form a Kayda. Kaydas can be played in any Tala.
Basic Structure of kayda -
1. Basic bol (one cycle).
2. Palta (more than 3 cycles depending upon the creativity)
3. Tihai.
The basic detailed structure of any Kayda is : Mukh, Dohra, Adha Dohra, Vishram, Adha Vishram, Palta and Tihai.
The overall structure of a kaida can be divided into three sections: an opening theme, a series of variations based on the opening theme and a concluding tihai. The main focus during a kaida is the thematic development that is achieved through a series of variations, or palta. A minute of pause is taken from the bol.
5. Adha Vishram - It is the repetition of taking a pause i.e. repetition of the bol that was repeated in Vishram.
6. Palta - Palta is a variation of various bols but these bols are stuck or are only from the bols which are there in the Mukh. This Palta is a section. Now what it means that Palta is a section. It means that like Mukh, Dohara, Adha Dohara, Vishram, Adha Vishram, these 4 names are not or cannot be repeated. So there is no duplications of all the 4 names taken. So all of the 4 names taken above, there are played olny once. But a Palta, as said it is a section. joining various bols many such Palte (plural form of Palta) can be created.
7. Tihai - The musical phrase sung or played thrice to arrive at the Sum (also pronounced as Sam) is called a Tihai. It is the last part of a Kayda. The Mukh's last part is played thrice i.e. 3 times where the particular Kayda is ended.
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