Karimunjawa FC

Karimunjawa FC (short for Karimunjawa Football Club) is a club soccer Indonesia based in Karimunjawa. Karimunjawa FC currently competing in the Jepara League.
History ==
The younger generation of Karimunajawa and its environs in order to prove the son of Karimunjawa's got TALENT ...
As a container for the younger generation Karimunjawa to do positive, starting from a hobby, rehearse, trying, Do, to achieve a feat.
"FAIR PLAY" or uphold Sportifitas's ethics, and values that should be developed in association football, although the core purpose of Spain's victory, with heavy losses on the other side. Victory and defeat are like two sides of the coin are not separate, it should not be achieved by all means ... ato in a way that is not good and menciderai football itself.
Squad (2010-11)
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