
Jyte is a community-based website created by , a software company located in Portland, Oregon. Jyte is an acronym for "Just You Tell 'Em". According to the developers, Jyte allows users to "make claims about , others, or just about anything".

These "claims" consist of a headline and, optionally, a short text body. They may also be assigned user-selected tags. A claim is presented as a sentence. Site users can then vote on it by selecting whether they agree or disagree. The total number of people who have voted, as well as their vote, are displayed with the claim. Users may also leave comments on claims, with or without voting.

In addition, users may give each other "cred". Cred consists of a short word or phrase, such as a tag, that applies to a user. For example, if user Bob made a valid claim about darts, user Mary might assign him "darts" cred. Receiving cred increases the recipient user's "cred score". Cred is designed to give an idea of how trustworthy a user is in a given area, as well as his or her interests.

Created in late January 2007, Jyte is developed primarily with Ruby on Rails, and is interoperable with other sites by means of several APIs. It relies solely on OpenID for user authentication. The use of one's OpenID in multiple websites and environments and the creation of a non-anonymous, portable, weighted, and persistent online reputation could provide advantages to a user in future discussions in other online and off line contexts.
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