Just Say Cheese

Just Say Cheese is a dark, humorous comic strip by cartoonist David Jones which explores the lives of the citizens of a small town named Okrapolis. The strip was created in 1984 and went through several changes until David felt the strip was finally ready, over twenty-five years later, for publication. With the storyline perfected, Just Say Cheese has become the first comic strip to run on the Facebook social network.
Billy Hamm loses his mother to the deadly Spontaneous Rickets desease. Billy's dad quits his job as lead guitarist for the rock band the Okra Pods so that he can raise the son he barely knows. The move to Okrapolis and live in a house next door to Fug Cheese.
Fug Cheese is a whacky kid who is considered the class clown. Fug and Billy immediately find that they have a lot in common and become best friends. The biggest similarity is the fact that both have lost a parent. Fug's dad was lost and presumed dead years ago while exploring uncharted regions of the Amazon.
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