Julie Frith

About the Artist
Julie Frith is best known for her kinetic art .
An artist born of two artist parents; Donald Frith (Professor of Ceramics U of I), and Barbara Frith (paintings), youngest of 4, Julie grew up in a very artistic world. Raised in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois she was taught by her parents design, balance and art skills that took her to college and into many professional design, visual management jobs. Seeing art in museums and books as a child, Alexander Calder was a big influence on her that intrigued her in making mobiles all the time for fun. In the 90's Julie taught herself to learn computer design, and making her own website. In 1998 Julie started selling her own line of art mobiles. Her mobiles caught on quickly as the yearning for Alexander Calder styled mobiles were being sought after. She makes her mobiles out of polished colored plastics and stainless steel, different from Alexander Calder would worked mainly with metals and paint. Her idea and approach for this style of art was creating "Modern Art for Babies" and "Art from Baby to College", something that would last a lifetime. Julie created the first ever custom coloring of a mobile or stabile directly on line for buyers to match their decor. Not only did this work, but parents of new generations wanted this for their children's rooms. Selling mobiles all over the world, she and her husband Brian Ladd soon took full time jobs making mobiles together. Julie has made custom designed mobiles for such clients as Disney, Paramount, Universal Pictures, many Science Museums, Design Craftsmen, Kids II to name a few. Her mobiles have been on television, in large magazines as Architectural Digest, on fronts of college text books, and her stabiles have been the actual awards given to architects and designers as their awards... and the list goes on. Custom designing mobiles and stabiles, making them by hand one at a time, Julie is still doing this today.
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