Journal of Law and Social Deviance

The Journal of Law and Social Deviance is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal. The journal, which is archived with HeinOnline, is published biannually. The Bluebook lists the journal as J. L. & Soc. Deviance under 3.1. Funding for the journal has been granted by Text and Academic Authors Association and the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council.
"In line with other cutting-edge law reviews, the Journal of Law and Social Deviance using a mixed-media publishing format in 2012. An abstract booklet and a CD with an indexed PDF of the Journal available for subscription in addition to the Journal’s online archives. This format makes an effort to publish in an environmentally responsible manner, and is consistent with interest in eco-conscious problem solving."
Notable authors include Tina L. Freiburger, who serves on the editorial board of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice and Elizabeth Megale, who was featured on NPR as an expert on Stand Your Ground laws relating to the case of George Zimmerman shooting Treyvon Martin. Notable board members include Lesley Northup, who serves as the Dean at Florida International University Honors College and Tammy Kushner, who serves as the Dean of the Institute for the Study of Health, Human Services, and Justice at Nova Southeastern University.
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