Josh Owens

Born 3 August 1989, Josh Owens is a 21 year old from Huyton, Liverpool, who creates a variety of youtube videos and his up for trying anything, I'll be myself 100% has managed to win him alot of fans.
Josh has been on youtube since April 2009. He began by uploading a video in 2006 as a bit of a joke, a one of type thing but since that first video he has discovered a big interested it making them. Josh only created his account on youtube to comment on other peoples videos, and voice his opinion. One of Josh's biggest hits to date is "Scouse Toy Story" which has had close to 100,000 views. So because of the popularity of this video, Josh has found making YouTube videos a very worthwhile hobbie.
Having a variety of YouTube channels Josh isn't shy of trying new things, doing crazy challenges as seen on plenty of his "Chocker Block" videos with one of his best friends "Mr Neil Wilson". Chocker block sees Josh and Neil take on each other in challenge which is usually set by one of his youtube fans. A few challenges for example are: eating 3 lemons alone and eating 20 McChicken nuggets in 2 minutes... a very entertaining youtube channel. It's from these videos the infamous Josh Owens quotes "Look at them all lined up like soldiers" and "Mr. Neil Wilson" arose... proving to be so popular Josh has now got his own personal "range of t-shirt designs" out, which are proving to be a big hit with fans.
Another side of Josh's videos is doing Spoof videos of popular songs. For example: taking on Enimem and Rihanna - Love The Way You Lie and turning it to "[ I want an apple pie]" Another spoof is Josh's take on Katy Perrys - California Girls, changing it to "[ Liverpool Gurls]" this being so well seen that singer/rapper "Example" posted it on his website! You can see all these videos on Josh's main account which has had close to 200,000 views!
Interaction With Fans
Josh is very open to talking to fans and does so in a variety of ways, via his fangroup on facebook, formspring account, and myspace page
Josh works in the clothes store USC, Liverpool.
More recently Josh has been doing an online radio show "Radio Liver". Which takes calls, e-mails from fans or anyone who is listening. It's listening rating figures are increasing weekly.
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