Jose Bartolo is a cigar brand produced in Egypt by the Eastern Company for Tobacco products. The brand includes corona and churchill cigars, machine made petit corona as well as Verona cigarillos, Toscani and mezzo Toscani. This is a short filler cigar. The Corona and The Churchill sizes The first third of the cigar is mild, second third is strong, towards the last third a hint of ammonia can be sensed because the leaves weren't given enough time to ferment properly. These cigars have weak to non existing flavor except for the spice, however when kept in a humidor with premium cigars, it does leech some of the flavor and becomes tolerable, however out of the box is like smoking rolled card board. The mezzi Toscani Surprisingly a very decent cigar with a sweet raisin and fig taste (no artificial flavor), mild to medium body with a dark brown maduro wrapper with a very faint hint of spice and woody smokey flavor towards the finish. It's like a Dunhill Royal Yackht without the nicotine rush. Verona cigarillos These cigarillos have mild body with no flavor other than pepper towards the end, they are made from the same leaves of the Corona only smaller in size. They come in different artificial flavors.