Jorge Reinoza


Jorge Reinoza was born in Merida, Venezuela in 1963. He has a Doctoral degree in International business from Alliant International University, San Diego, California, and a Master in Business Administration with concentration in Marketing from the University of Tampa, Florida. He is a Professor at California School of International Management, San Diego, California, and CETYS Universidad, in Baja California, Mexico.

On June 20, 2000, Jorge Reinoza suffered a terrible car accident. After this experience, he went through several months of confusion, and started to see life from a new perspective. Originally left-handed, he then discovered that he was able to paint with his right hand. But even more surprisingly, he had no control over the process.
Furthermore, he began to feel he had a stronger connectedness with God and other people, and to develop his own philosophy about life.

Jorge is now a renowned artist and creates original, distinctive works of art utilizing a mix media of watercolors, pencils, acrylics, and natural ingredients. He is renderings and inspire by his passion for Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Latino American Culture, Spaniards Painters’ legacy, California Life, and range from Reality to the Religious and Ethereal.

Statement of the Artist

"To write a clear, accurate, and concise description of my art is extremely difficult, as difficult as describing myself. First of all, I have faith in the Creator. That magical word “faith” that represents all the positive energy of the Universe is present in every one of my paintings. I think that religion, ancient traditions, philosophy and quantum physics are all different ways that lead us to the ultimate truth . Every human being and the world surrounding us is interconnected. I believe all human beings need a greater tolerance of one another. I celebrate the mixtures of all the different types of bloods that I have in me. I celebrate the different cultures, people and countries that shape me. I thank the creator for that. I think Dumas’ expression “all for one and one for all” summarizes our relative reality.

My work is more than subjective; it is symbolic. My paintings express my soul, and all the aspects of my unique world that are impossible to code into words.

Every one of my paintings has its own life and history. They represent all the events of the past, present and future of me, my family, my friends, people, races, countries, the earth, and the universe. They represent all the challenges that we as human beings are to endure. We are here for a purpose, and somewhere deep inside, everyone knows it. After a big dispute, we come to realize that harmony is the only way to true understanding, acceptance and peace. The search for equilibrium is the secret.

We are more than bodies. We are the reflections of timeless, great souls that live beneath heaven. All of whom have big dreams: dreams of liberty, peace and happiness."


Jorge Reinoza's work has been honored, winning “First Place Acrylic Abstract” at the famous 2004 edition San Diego County Fair, and “Best of Show” in the August 2004 exposition of The San Diego Watercolor Society. His painting “ The Awakening” was selected representing his State (Merida) to be exposed for four months in the Contemporary Museum of Art “ Alejandro Otero” in Caracas, Venezuela.

A complete exposition of part of his amazing collection was presented in San Diego (August-September 2005), Ensenada, Mexico (September-November 2005), Merida, Venezuela (December 2005- June 2006).

In September, 2006, he begun to paint a canvas to Symbolize the California School of International Management and the World of International brotherhood. Students and faculty, and public in general were witnesses of the creation of the painting from the beginning until finish. The opening was September 14th 2007. A permanent exhibition of his art is exhibit in CSIM 303 A street. San Diego, Ca.

Solo Exhibitions

2008 - Permanent Exhibition CSIM-303 A Street. San Diego- California

2006 - Sala ARKITECK- Escuela de Arte Universidad de Los Andes- Mérida- Venezuela

2005 - Galerías Claudia - Old Town - San Diego - California

2005 - Sala Biblioteca CETYS Universidad, - Ensenada- Baja California - México

Group Exhibitions

2006- UCSD - House of the Americas - San Diego- California

2005 - Museo de Arte Moderno “Luis Astorga”, Mérida, Venezuela

2005 - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo “Alejandro Otero” Caracas, Venezuela

2004 - San Diego Watercolor Society - August

2004 - San Diego County Fair - Del Mar, California - June

2004 - San Diego Watercolor Society - May

Awards and Memberships

V Arte - Founding member

Member of the San Diego Watercolor Society

“First Place Acrylic Abstract” - San Diego County Fair - June 2004

“Best of Show” - San Diego Watercolor Society - August 2004

“Jurors Commendation ” - La Mega “en honor de Jesús Soto” - Museo de Arte Cotemporáneo “Alejandro Otero” Caracas, Venezuela.- March- June 2005
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