John M. Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald is a poet, writer, editor and attorney in Los Angeles. He is a dual citizen of the United States and Ireland.
He received scholarships to the University of West Los Angeles School of Law, where he was editor of the Law Review.
His fourth poetry collection, Favorite Bedtime Stories, was published from Salmon Poetry in 2014.
The Mind was published by Salmon Poetry in 2011.
His first book, Spring Water, was a Turning Point Books prize selection in 2005.
Telling Time by the Shadows was released in April 2008 by Turning Point Books.
He has contributed to the anthologies Poetry: Reading it, Writing it, Publishing it (Salmon Poetry, 2009), Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology (Salmon Poetry, 2011), From the Four-Chambered Heart: In Tribute to Anais Nin and Love's Peripateias.
His first poetry publication was in 1991 in the now defunct UCLA literary journal WESTWORD.
He is published in many literary magazines, notably The Warwick Review, The Toronto Quarterly, Madhatter's Review, The Original Van Gogh’s Ear Anthology,Barnwood Mag, Askew Poetry Journal, Spillway, The American Center for Artists, Mediterranean Poetry, Saint Julian Press, Tiferet Journal, From the Fishouse, The Passionate Transitory, Levure Littéraire, Life and Legends, Asian Signature, Speechless the Magazine, Lit Bridge, and World Literature Today .
He edited The Book on Social Security Disability.
John FitzGerald Q&A with advice to young writers:
John FitzGerald Q&A on form:
John FitzGerald Q&A on his writing time:
John FitzGerald Q&A on some favorite poets:
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