John Defiore

John Defiore

John Defiore (b 13 Oct, 1940)
American suspected of being DB Cooper.
Early Life
Born Sigmund Alfred Dover, Jr. Dover was born in Pittsburgh to Sigmund Alfred Dover,
a steel mill foreman and his wife Anita Huckabee-Dover. S.A. Dover, Sr was killed in a
milling explosion in 1951 leaving his wife and son without any significant income. Dover
would spend his youth in abject poverty and without a father figure.
====Becoming "John Defiore"====
Dover's mother was incarcerated in 1964 for stealing bread from the company store to feed her family, Sig was left to raise himself. After losing his mother Sig became involved in several
failed investment plans and in an effort to avoid tax evasion charges from the IRS moved to Cuba in 1966 and changed his name to John Defiore.
Returning Stateside
In 1969 John would return to the U.S. and would work as a bartender in South Beach, FL through most of the 70's and 80's.
Recent Suspicion
An recently released FBI sketch from the 1971 hijacking resulted in John being identified as a likely suspect. As of the 2007 reopening of the case John Defiore is the only suspect not yet eliminated by the FBI
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